Page 170 of Brutal Ambition

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He smirks. “I seem to recall you liking The Phantom of the Opera.”

“I do,” I say regretfully, wishing I hated that, too.

Oh man, I would love to go to a masquerade. In a way, it even feels like the perfect finale to close the Killian chapter of my life.

“We’ll all be wearing masks,” Aiden tells me. “If we move carefully, I think we can easily evade Killian’s notice and still enjoy ourselves. We’ll just be two anonymous masked faces in a sea of them.”


I pout a little because I do want to go, just not with him.

I would have loved to go to this with Killian. Absolutely loved it.

My memory tugs me back to Paris, strolling on his arm up the opera house stairs.

God, that was romantic.

And sweet.

And a different time.

My bittersweet feeling fades a little as I consider all the plans he’s busy making with someone else.

But I don’t cry this time, and that… well, that’s when I said I’d go on a date with someone, and what are the odds I’d be standing right in front of someone who asked me on one when it happened?

I look up at Aiden.

This is a bad idea.

But that means I’ve already stepped off the cliff.

“You know what? Yeah. What the hell? I’ll go to the masquerade with you.”

His wolfish grin is just a little too victorious and it gives me a moment of panic, but he must see it, because he quickly dials it back.

“You promise you’re not going to do anything crazy, right?” I ask him.

“I mean, I can, but… will my promise mean anything to you?”

I sigh. “No, I guess not.”

He smirks. “Like I said before. You’re just gonna have to trust me and see how it pans out.”

Chapter Forty-five


While I never actually became a Zeta, I did keep the little welcome kit Sloane packed for me. It was full of goodies, but one of the things I became addicted to was the coconut foot masks.

So, I’m sitting on the couch with my feet getting pampered in their little coconut packets and my cat curled up on my lap, enjoying a lazy Sunday when the doorbell rings.

Sally gets it since she’s in the kitchen closer to the door, and a moment later, Aiden comes sauntering into the living room.

I gasp, wanting to throw the blanket over my head since I am a hot mess, but he just smirks.

“What are you doing here?” I ask awkwardly, before looking at Sally. “Also, in case I didn’t mention this, can you not grant strange men who show up on our door access to the apartment? That’d be… great.”

“I’m here to take you shopping,” Aiden says.
