Page 180 of Brutal Ambition

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“It looks warm,” I add, smiling up at him.

His eyes narrow suspiciously. “It is,” he says, waiting to see what I’m aiming for.

“Does it detach?” I ask innocently.

“It does.”

“May I borrow it?”

“You miss my smell that much?” he asks idly. “I can just hold you close and choke you again. Perhaps with fewer items of clothing between us this time.”

My tummy tumbles since I know he’s legitimately dangerous, but I act like it doesn’t faze me. “Actually, I’m cold,” I tell him. “I didn’t wear a coat, and… well, you see what I’m wearing.”

His cool gaze skims my bare shoulders, and a chill passes over me. Convenient timing, I suppose, because without another word, Hex unfastens his mantle and drapes it around my shoulders instead.

As he fastens it, he looks down at me. “Never let it be said I can’t be a gentleman.”

I smile up at him, a warm, authentic smile. “Thank you, Hex.”

He runs his hands over my shoulders and down my arms, now covered in his big warm cloak, then he leans in to lift my mask and press an intimate kiss against my cheek. “You’re welcome, Brynn.”

All the blood seems to drain out of my body as I look past his broad shoulder and see a man in a black tux and mask stopped dead, facing us.

But the mask doesn’t matter. I’d recognize that jawline anywhere.


My heart squeezes, but I don’t wait around another second.

Warmth secured, I turn away from Hex and Aiden, pick up my skirt so I don’t trip, and take off up the staircase we just came down.

I hurry through the doorway but stop at the security guard. “Hi,” I say quickly. “I just got here, but I can’t stay. May I have my phone back, please?”



“I was literally just here,” I say, opening my purse. “You can’t just…?”


Sighing, I open the purse wider, trying to see inside with just the light of the moon. Paranoid, I look back over my shoulder to make sure I’m not being followed, and I see I am—by Killian.

My heart sinks and I snap my purse shut. “Never mind,” I say, then I pick up my skirt and take off running.

This time, into the woods.

Chapter Forty-seven


I don’t think when I see Hex kiss Brynn—I just react.

My heart stops, my muscles freeze, and then she meets my gaze across the room, and a burst of adrenaline hits my veins.

Then she turns around and runs away with Hex’s fucking mantle draped over her shoulders, and I have no choice but to run after her.

I notice Aiden seconds before I plow into him, shoving the fucker and wanting to rip that mask off and break his fucking face, but Brynn’s getting away, and getting to her is more important.
