Page 181 of Brutal Ambition

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“Kill,” Hex says, trying to stop me.

But I can’t look at him without ruining my life right now, so I ignore him and take off up the stairs after her.

She’s stopped at the door, probably trying to get her phone, but when she looks back at me, she abandons her mission, picking up her black lace skirt and taking off.

Like a princess in a prophecy she can’t outrun, she heads straight for the woods.

That’s all right.

It’s not the first time I’ve chased her pretty little ass through the forest, but this time when I get my hands on her, I’m not letting go.

And at the pace she’s running, it won’t be long.

She wore heels tonight, and Brynn can’t run in heels. She can’t stop to take them off, either. She knows I’ll catch her if she does.

But I catch her anyway.

“Killian,” she cries, trying to rip her arm away from me when I grab it.

I grab her everywhere I can. I let go of her arm, but only to grab her waist and yank her against me.

“Did Hex fuck you?”

“What?” she shrieks, the shock on her face easing the slightest bit of frenzied fucking fury out of me. “No, of course not.”

“You need to stay away from him. He’s poison. He’d fucking destroy you.”

“I don’t like Hex. You’re being crazy,” she says, struggling to get away from me.

Since she’s wiggling so fucking much, I grab her arms, pinning them behind her so I can hold her body against mine. “You looked awfully fucking cozy getting kisses from him in the goddamn corner for someone with no interest in him.”

She looks up at me with her big, innocent doe-eyes. “I was interested in his coat, not him. And I didn’t expect the kiss. I was as shocked as you were.”

“I swear to god, Brynn, if he touches you again…”

I don’t even know.

I’ll lose my fucking mind.

I’ll lock her up somewhere like a fucking prisoner.

I’ll torch both our fucking lives if I have to, but I’ll never let him touch her. Not him.

And not fucking Aiden, either.

Hex was the one I caught too close to her, but it was Aiden standing next to her in that fucking phantom mask.

And here she is, looking just like Christine.

His Christine.

My blood runs hot despite the chill in the air. I can feel my grip on her is painfully tight, but she doesn’t complain. “Did you come here with him?”

Guilt flashes through her eyes and she swallows, but she doesn’t look away from me. “Hex? No, of course—”

“Not Hex.”

She doesn’t answer this time, and that is the answer.
