Page 207 of Brutal Ambition

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I don’t mind it, though.

I like when Killian holds me a little tighter.

“Apparently it’s alterations day,” Hex says wryly. “Couldn’t be missed.”

There’s a smiling blond girl beside him, but I’ve never seen her before. Addison goes over to say hi to her, and they disappear inside the dress shop together like old friends, so I reason maybe she’s a Zeta.

I follow more slowly, with Killian, Hex, and Ryan, and Hex falls into step beside me.

“I didn’t know you were seeing anyone,” I say, looking up at him.

“I’m not,” he says casually, hands in his pockets.

“Oh. But you ordered her a bridesmaid dress? Is she your designated girlfriend duties girl?”

“No. I don’t have one of those. I just made sure the girl I’m fucking now was the same size as the one I was fucking when we did the dress shopping. Problem solved.”


He smirks faintly. “Don’t be jealous. We’ll always have the masquerade… and our other memories.”

I shoot him a look, my cheeks warming a bit. “I never did return your mantle.”

“You can keep it,” he tells me. “I’m sure I wouldn’t want it back at this point.”

My cheeks warm even more remembering Killian fucking me in the woods while I wore that mantle. “No, probably not.”

Addison and the blonde are already waiting at the counter when we walk in, so I go over to join them. The lady pulls up the file for Silvan and Sophie’s wedding to see what we’re picking up.

“Okay, so we have Sloane, Avery, and Addison here to try on their dresses, correct?”

“Wow. No,” Addison says, shaking her head. “One for three. I am Addison.”

“I’m Brynn,” I tell her.

“Not Avery?”

“Not Avery.”

“Who even is Avery?” Addison asks.

“Andrei’s girlfriend duties girl,” Ryan says. “His friend’s little sister. She’s a freshman.”

Hex frowns. “Isn’t he dating Esme?”

“Yeah, but he wasn’t sure he still would be. Didn’t want to make long-term plans like Silvan’s wedding with a girl who might not be around, so he just had them size Avery for it.”

“Yikes,” Addison says.

“Bet Esme will love that,” Killian remarks, smirking.

Ryan shrugs. “I don’t think he cares. You know his relationships have the lifespan of an avocado. This one’s already running a little long for him. Avery’s sweet. You guys will like her.”

“But he isn’t fucking Avery, to be clear?” Hex asks.

“He’s not, and no one else is going to, either, so don’t get any ideas.”

“Hey, you said she’s sweet. I like sweet.”
