Page 43 of Brutal Ambition

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Ordinarily I have no problem going to my car by myself, but as it got later tonight, I found myself worrying. My phone was unlocked for a long time last night, so it’s likely the guys went through it. I don’t know if there’s evidence of where I work in my phone, but my best bet is probably to assume there is and to operate under the assumption that by now, they could know where I work and what time I get off.

Julie, one of the other waitresses, notices me lingering by the door on her way out. “Are you waiting for a ride?”

“No, just… hyping myself up to walk to my car,” I say lightly.

She eyes me strangely, which I suppose is fair. “You want me to walk with you?”

“No. Thank you, but I’m okay.” I flash her a smile to assure her, and after a moment she leaves.

I might feel safer with an escort, but there’s no way in hell I’d risk her safety as well as mine. The guys that might be after me are rapey assholes, and they would likely outnumber us. If I’m going to have an escort, I’m gonna need a guy.

I think about going to the kitchen to get one of the guys back there to walk me outside, but then I think about them making fun of me about it for the rest of my life, and I decide it’s not worth it.

Before I step outside, I open the phone so both of my contacts are easily clickable in case of emergency. I parked close to the door even though we’re not supposed to so I wouldn’t have to walk far, and I’ll walk fast.

It will be fine.

I hate the dread that stays with me as I speedwalk out the door and to Killian’s car. I feel safer once I’m inside with the doors locked, but I still look around to make sure no one is waiting in the shadows.

Then I start the car and get the hell out of here.

The dread starts all over again when I get home. I don’t even bother looking for a spot behind the building. I park on the street since I won’t be here long, then I hustle inside, my heart pounding until the moment I close and lock my apartment door.

Toast is curled up on the couch, but her eyes open when I come inside. I smile at her and walk over to give her a little head scratch. “Hey, pretty girl. Let’s get you some dinner, hm?”

She uncurls and stretches, so I go to the kitchen to get her a tin of food and dish it out in her little bowl.

Stacie must be in her bedroom. I try not to make too much noise in case she’s studying because I know how thin the walls are.

I’m making good time, so I decide to hop in the shower to wash the smell of restaurant off me and actually do something with my hair. I brush on a quick coat of mascara and grab a backup lip gloss since my favorite was in my clutch last night, then I wrap my towel around me and open the bathroom door.

I stop dead when I see the silhouette of a man standing in the kitchen.

My heart sinks. The stranger is tall and broad-shouldered, dressed in a navy-blue hoodie and jeans. His hair is dark and spiky, and he has a lean build that feels familiar.

The bathroom light is still on behind me, so the man turns to look at the bright spot in the darkness. He sees me standing here in nothing but a bath towel.

“What a nice surprise,” he says, and my heart stalls because I know that voice.

I heard it last night when he was on top of me in that basement.


He starts toward me, and I dart down the hall to my bedroom. I try to get the door closed before he can reach me, but I hesitate, realizing I don’t know where Toast is.

If she’s out there, he could hurt her. I don’t know him, but what I do know makes me think he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt an animal.

I know he’ll hurt me if he gets his hands on me, though, so I slam the door shut and turn the lock a mere moment before he grabs the handle.

I back away fearfully, my eyes glued to the doorknob. My whole body is shaking, and I don’t know what to do.

The phone.

I brought it to the bathroom to keep an eye on the time, so I have it in my purse. I reach in to grab it.

The doorknob rattles and my heart nearly stops.

From the other side of the door, he says, “Come on, Brynn. I just want to talk.”
