Page 87 of Brutal Ambition

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Robbed of my ability to watch, I listen as the guys load into the car and close the door. The cabin lights dim, and seconds later, the car starts moving.

“How you doing over there, Brynn?” asks the guy who blindfolded me.

I’ve been better.

“She can’t answer you, asshole,” mutters Shane, who I realize by the nearness of his rumbling voice is not sitting on a seat across from me. He’s sitting on the floor right in front of me.

It’s instinct to try to push against the seat, to get myself upright, but I’m frustrated all over again when my arms lie uselessly against the buttery leather seat.

“That will wear off in a minute or two,” the guy says, as if reading my mind. “We’ll let you come out of it if you can be a good girl, but then we’ll have to administer a second dose when we’re taking you out of the car.”

Since I can’t speak, I try to shake my head.

Please no.

But of course, nothing happens.

As many times as I’ve been rendered helpless in my life, I have never been as helpless as this.

The guy was right, though. The drug does wear off.

I’m reluctant to let them know it at first, so I stay where I am, making only the smallest movements of my fingers and toes to test it out. I briefly consider smacking Shane in the back of the head for doing this to me to announce my renewed ability to move, but that certainly won’t earn me any brownie points, so I ignore the impulse.

I don’t know if I should remove the mask or not since they said they’re going to do that to me again, but honestly, I will do just about anything to convince them not to. That felt terrifying, like suffocation for several seconds, then the helplessness of it afterward…

That was absolutely terrible.

And exactly what Kyle experienced, except he had the added terror of knowing the house was on fire and he was absolutely going to die.

I’m guessing no relief came for him, either. Killian wanted to make him experience the moment, but not enough to hook him up to a breathing machine to prolong it.

A shudder passes over me as I slowly push myself up.

“There she is,” says the guy in the seat across from me.

“Can I remove the blindfold?” I ask.

“No. But I appreciate you asking.”

“I told you she’d fucking cooperate,” Shane mutters, then I think he turns his head in my direction because his voice sounds like it’s directed at me. “You all right?”

I nod, getting myself in the seat the right way and tugging at the hem of my nightgown, wishing I would have put on a set with shorts.

“Don’t worry,” says the guy seated across from me. “We won’t hurt you. Not like that.”

“He won’t look, either,” Shane assures me. “He’s got his own girl to torment.”

Up until now, the man sitting across from me has sounded rather good-natured for a scary intruder who helped steal me out of my bed in the middle of the night, but Shane’s comment seems to displease him. “Someone needs to tell her that,” he mutters.

“Is Hex here?” I ask, not caring about my captor’s relationship drama.

“No,” Shane answers. “But we’re going to see him.”

I fucking knew it.

“What is his problem with me? I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Hex doesn’t like anyone,” the guy across from me says. “Don’t take it personally.”
