Page 17 of Donned in Black

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Every time I thought I got a beat on this man, he threw another curveball.

“Are we getting familiar now?” I’d said. Kind of wish I hadn’t. He dropped my hand, putting some distance between us.

“You better stay out of trouble. And don’t give Sabrina a hard time. That woman’s a saint, unlike you.”

I didn’t know how to take that comment. Was he calling me a nuisance? Or… does he think I’m a devil, like him?

With that, he’d left, but as he crossed through the kitchen, he dropped something on the table.

Of course I waited until he was gone before sating my curiosity.

My mouth hung open. I felt like I was in high school again getting pranked by someone with a crush. A brand new, single shoe lay there with the tags on.

“That prick,” I’d said to myself, all smiles. I mean, who the hell makes a joke about a kidnapping, when the struggling woman loses her shoe, twice.

I scoff and move on to the crinkled paper bag he left beside it – one of those small ones you find in some candy shops. And when I opened the top, I swear my walls crumbled just a bit more.

I popped one of the caramels in my mouth, savoring the taste. Hadn’t had one of those since I was a girl…

Coming back to myself before I started wondering what those simple caramels meant, I thought about going and getting some from upstairs. Then the sickness returns… his unexpected kindness making me curl my toes.

Now I’m sprawled on the couch – a seat of expensive leather and perfectly fluffy cushions – for the fourth time today. I recline and get too comfortable, periodically rubbing my hands and feet over the material, and turn on the TV. Donny is smarter than I pegged him for – not connecting any devices to the internet. It’s only extended cable. No Firesticks or Smart apps where I’d be able to contact the authorities.

Scrolling through the channels, the movie Taken is on. A part of me wants Donny to stroll in just as the kidnappers are auctioning off Liam Neeson’s daughter in the movie. I want him to acknowledge what an asshole he is, since he’s planning to do the same thing to me.

I do my best to stay positive, pretending to be in some luxury hotel until the next life-or-death situation presents itself. The pit in my stomach comes and goes, but TV really does help.

Another sick thought makes me curl my toes. The tattoo peeking along his pec and his insanely defined abs makes me want more. I haven’t been around a hot guy since Marco passed. My job was full of duds. My neighbor was old.

Then I remember there’s a very high likelihood that Donny was Marco’s killer.

He wasn’t a great boyfriend, but at least he brought me flowers after visiting his mistress. Is it even called a mistress if he didn’t marry me? I’m still sad he’s gone. I didn’t know much about his work, but judging by his demeanor, I don’t think he deserved a knife in the back.

Did Donny bring me caramels after seeing one of his girls? I’d like to believe he just… wanted to bring me a piece of the past. When things were good. Stable. Maybe he was trying to apologize for—

God, what the hell am I even thinking? Snap out of it, Ellie, they’re just caramels. Even if they are delicious… the bastard slapped you. He’ll have to pony up a lot more before I let that one go.

More hours go by. Lunch is a turkey sandwich with provolone, lettuce, tomato, and a perfect amount of salt and pepper. I’m getting spoiled with no mobsters roughing me up, and I fear I might become pudgy like Sabrina if this trend continues.

Maybe they’ll let me exercise or something. When I’m done, Sabrina might know if there are any books in the house too.

At night, the demons sneak in, confining me with no escape. The shy moon counted one night closer to my eventual sale.

The next morning, I start with jumping jacks and sit-ups. I’m not particularly athletic, but I am pretty good at math. If my calorie and protein intake doubles from my previous spotty-meal diet, then my normally lean figure is going to expand.

Besides, I need to be ready to sprint if one of the Valentinos lets their guard down.

Sabrina checks on me to make sure I’m not bashing my head against a dresser, or something, and smiles bashfully when she sees me dripping with sweat.

Breakfast is something to look forward to, which I hadn’t really experienced since I was a kid. It’s nice having someone waiting on me hand and foot. And the menu keeps expanding, too. This morning will be oatmeal with fresh berries.

I had time to really inspect the house over the past few days. The Roman architecture and excessive marble made it feel like I was a princess waiting to be rescued.

Another spoonful of oatmeal down, I notice there’s more activity today. The guards out front are on frequent phone calls. Sabrina has a pep in her step. Something is going on. I can sense it.

After my shower, I remove my brown contacts to reveal my green eyes. Might as well be myself if I’m going to be sold. Donny can look me in my own eyes as he gives me away.

I brush my hair and climb into a form-fitted sundress Sabrina gave me, just to punish him. I’m still furious with him since he put his hands on me, and want to appear as sexy as possible. I know a thing or two about Donny: he’s not a fan of rape like his father. At least not with an audience. And he might be into me, even if a little. Time to take a flyer by putting on makeup. I want him to sweat.
