Page 19 of Donned in Black

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“I’d do much worse, and probably be in pieces by now,” he agrees.

“Then you should be sympathetic, or maybe even grateful for what a good doll you stole,” I mock.

“Who says I’m not?” He steps away from the TV and out of the room, leaving me in shock.

There’s chemistry between us. I feel it in my belly.

Maybe if he hadn’t slapped me across the face I’d follow him and continue the banter. But in the imaginary world where it’s okay to kidnap someone, he crossed the line by slapping me. So, I’m staying put.

I click the remote to make the movie louder and hopefully drown out Sal’s ever-flapping mouth in the other room.

Glasses clink against granite, and the squeak of a liquor cabinet opening across the way filters in.

They’re celebrating a win. I could sure use a drink.

I fidget in my seat, convincing myself to sit still against the cheers growing louder.

This reminds me of my family. They’d only invite the girls in when it was time to eat or drink after a heist. Turns out I’m really good at blocking out the ideas of murder and extortion, even if I’m dead smack in the middle of it.

Still, I’m not getting up to join them.

After ten more minutes of the movie doing shit-all to drown them out, their loud talking drops to whispers. I think I hear my name, but I’m not sure.

“Did you see her eyes? They’re like radioactive seaweed,” Sal says quietly.

“She took her contacts out. She was in hiding, remember?” Donny shoots back.

“Oh yeah!”

“Go bring her a drink,” Donny says. “Make it something fruity.”

“Oh behave.” I imagine Sal making an Austin Powers cat claw as he says those words.

Against everything good in me, I’m excited to be spoken about, and even more thrilled that a drink is coming my way. It reminds me of the old days, before Dad went to jail and everything spiraled to shit.

I pretend I heard nothing when Sal struts over with something red and fizzing. He looks utterly ridiculous, but I refuse to crack a smile.

“Something to loosen those tight cheeks, princess.” Sal offers me the drink.

“Poison? I’ll pass,” I say playfully.

“It’s the good kind. C’mon! Tonight’s a celebration! Four scores. Three successful collections with interest. We’re on fire.”

“Dice!” Donny’s deep, bodiless voice carries through all the noise. “I said give her a drink, not bring her on the job.”

“What’s the difference?” I call back as I yank the drink. “I’m fodder anyway.” I cheers Sal, since he hasn’t done anything to piss me off too much, and take a nice big gulp.

The fizz tickles the roof of my mouth, and the taste of alcohol soothes my nerves.

“That’s the spirit, hunnie!” Sal takes a swig of his drink. “The boss man doesn’t allow broads into the safe house normally, so this is a real treat!”

“Sabrina is a perfectly fine broad,” I fire back. “Don’t insult the house.”

“Ey, oh! We don’t mess with the gem, here. She’s off limits. You, on the other hand.” Sal outstretches his hand for me to take. And I don’t know what comes over me… but I take it.

Maybe just to piss Donny off. I’ll create a jealousy dynamic, maybe leave the boys off guard.

I eye the island for a set of car keys, but of course they aren’t there.
