Page 35 of Donned in Black

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“You’ll ride with me. I’ll roll down the window to show that you’re there, and I’ll pop the trunk for the goods. Then, once they admit the three cars to the drop-off point, I’ll sneak you in the getaway once its unloaded, and you can ride home with Sal.”

“How are they going to let one car out of the compound once you’re in? Didn’t you say the investors are terrified of security?”

“Ellie. The Valentinos have been doing these auctions with the Russians for a long time. One of our agreements is that we get to learn the location of the event, and one car is let free as a sign of good faith. Otherwise, a whole family could be gunned down and no one would ever agree to it.”

“I see. And you’re going to stay behind?”

“I have to. This is a thirty-million-dollar deal.”

“There will be a missing piece.” I point to myself.

“I’ll say you got out of hand, and I took care of you. I’ll pay a hefty price for it. And that will be that.”

I bite my lip. “What if they don’t buy it?”

“There’s nothing to buy. You’ll be nowhere to be found,” he says. “Hopefully it’s near a river. Then it’ll be an even easier sell.”

I push him. “You talk about my fake death so easily.”

“I told you… no one is going to hurt you. You have me now.”

“You mean it?”


Chapter 12


Donny came to the safe house four times this week. Each instance included flowers, take-out from Uncle Branzino’s restaurant, and mind-blowing sex. Not to mention the safety of his massive, tattooed arms holding me through the night.

I didn’t want to ask him how long he was going to keep me prisoner, because I didn’t want to break the fantasy relationship we’re forming. We are a good duo. He assured me I wasn’t like his past girlfriends, because with them, business had to be kept separate. I, on the other hand, understand mob life. I grew up in it – even if I was always at arm’s length. It’s second nature.

And now… I stopped fighting it.

“Busy day tomorrow.” Donny sighs in bed. “Got the Lucrazi heist fallout meeting and the two interest pick-ups.”

“Don’t forget the deli franchise job,” I remind him.

He nods and turns his head to me.

His grey eyes hold mine, and we smile at one another. He plants a soft kiss on my lips. “What would I do without you?”

“Probably be half the man.” I shrug.

“Guess every boss needs his lady to keep ’em in line, huh?”

“Damn straight,” I say.

“Come with me tomorrow. You might have to lay low in the car during the meeting, but outside of that, I’ll be with you the rest of the day.”

“Don’t you have a crew to do this kind of stuff for you?” I ask. “Delegate, Donny. Don’t wear yourself so thin.”

He twists his lips. “You sound like the old timers. I like staying close to the action. Keeps me sharp.”

“Mm.” I disapprove.

“Tell you what. You be a good girl tomorrow, and I’ll rent us out a suite in Manhattan. Champagne, a Jacuzzi, the works. How does that sound?”
