Page 41 of Donned in Black

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The room goes silent. Ellie gets uncomfortable at the mention.

“He’s been informed and has sent his well wishes. For obvious reasons, he can’t visit,” John says.

“Yep. Any ideas on the shooter?” I’m getting flashbacks of feeling my arm go numb, and a second bullet knocking me against the car. It all happened so fast.

“Ellie gave the best descriptions she could. It’s no one we know. But Terry thinks it might be someone from his town, hired by the Lucrazis,” Sal says. “I’ll make him an ice cream sandwich myself if I find him.”

Ellie looks at Sal quizzically.

“What? I don’t know if they bugged the place.” Sal shrugs.

I get a headache listening to him, so I turn to Ellie and squeeze her hand. “Thank you, rabbit.”

She smiles down at me. “I only did it so you’d take me to the suite.”

I laugh, and it hurts. I start coughing horribly.

“Okay. I’ll give you two love birds a minute, but then it’s my turn, Princess. Capisce? Me and this wounded bear have some things we have to discuss. You know… like flavors of ice cream.”

“Okay, Sal.” Ellie shakes her head as Sal and the Scar exit the room.

“How long have I been out?” I ask her.

“Three days, give or take.” She smiles sadly at me, scanning my patched up body.

“Damn it.” I start to get riled. I can’t help but think of all the missed appointments.

Two warm hands press against my chest to calm me. “Everything’s been taken care of. I know your agenda, remember? Sal appointed Fabio and Trey to collect. They seem capable.”

I squint at her, half-impressed, half-annoyed.

“See?” she says a little seductively. “The world still turns if Donny Valentino shuts his eyes for a little… as long as the work is delegated properly.”

“You’re a regular old capo,” I scoff.

She kisses my chest, and the way her lips linger lessens the pain in my side. “I’m so happy you’re awake.”

“Me too, Ellie.”


It takes me weeks to get back up to strength, and it turns out Ellie was right about one thing – delegating does help things along. I rewarded her with that suite she’s been holding onto, and we have the best night of our lives as a toast for celebration.

Life is too short.

The next day, I bring her to the safe house to continue our age-old routine.

She still doesn’t ask whether she’s a prisoner. And at this point, I wonder if she prefers it this way. She had all the opportunity in the world to run, but she stays.

We say the ‘L’ word often. Normally I would brush it off, or grunt. But Ellie is special. A mafia princess grown into a queen.

I go to her for counsel, and I take her for pleasure. A perfect union that I find myself unable to live without.

But there are obstacles on our horizon.

Blinding ones.

Chapter 14
