Page 43 of Donned in Black

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“Terry won’t fail us,” Donny says. “He’s proven more than capable with some other jobs.”

“Good.” Gio likes the confidence, apparently. “There’ll be no more contact from the Russians besides this piece of paper. Terms are the same as other auctions. Capisce?”

Some affirming grunts come on the other end.

“Good. Now, you all seem way too stiff to carry out a big job like this one. Take a night on the town, huh? That’s an order.”

My blood runs cold. He doesn’t mean what I think he means…

“No buts, Donny boy. I’ll take watch at the old safe house for a night—”

I fumble with the dish I’m washing.


I freeze in terror when I make a noise. They don’t seem to notice. Sabrina grabs my arm in support.

“Head to the city. Get some liquor in you, some girls. It’s on me. You guys have been earning good.” Gio throws cash on the table, and Sal gushes.

I know why Gio’s here. He wants to finish what he started.

All the terror that went to the wayside in Donny’s arms rushes back in tenfold. Like a stampede of elk trampling my chest. All of a sudden, this mansion is a real prison again.

I fight to catch my breath.

“What we doing, papa G? Roulette? Two thousand on thirty-one, like normal?” Sal asks.

“Hah. Make it four. We had a good week.” I hear another wad of cash slap against skin. “Look at me, Dicey. If that number don’t hit, we’re going to have a problem. Hear?” I hear the old man tap the back of Sal’s neck, then they both cackle to one another.

“I wish I could bully the wheel like you, boss.” Sal shrugs. “Then I wouldn’t be cursing at every other dealer on the floor.”

“Alright, boys. Get on out of here. Go have some fun. Leave the birdy and the maid with me. I’ll take care of them,” Gio orders, and I die a little more inside.

Chairs scratch against the floor as the crew gets ready to depart.

Donny heads into the kitchen, and I beg for his eyes to meet my wide ones. I shake my head ever so slightly, so only he can see.

Please don’t leave me, I beg in my head. The thought of Gio touching me again makes my skin crawl. My legs are itchy.

Donny walks past me, and I’m in utter shock.

What happened to my protector?

I stomp out of the kitchen to follow him and grab at his arm before I hear the weight of the Don’s walk again. I need him to see the disdain in my eyes.

“Donny,” I whisper through gritted teeth. “Donny. Take me with you. Donny. Don’t—”

He finally looks at me.

There’s no reassurance in him. He’s cold, like I’ve seen him before readying for a job. It’s like a switch he flips. The only thing he offers me is a quick squeeze of his hand… Maybe telling me that the old Donny is in there somewhere, but he’s not here right now.

He peels my clawed grip off of him again, and my hands fall to my sides in defeat.

I’m fucked.

I can feel the blood draining from my face.

“C’mon, Ellie.”
