Page 6 of Donned in Black

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All my thoughts are interrupted by how hot Ellie looks. My captive’s curled up in the corner, head bobbing with every bump. Breasts too.

Terry did me a favor cutting her shirt. Reminds me of my kid days when I’d do anything just to get a peek at her skin. Paul was right: she looks good with dark hair. This kind of intoxication hasn’t hindered me in years. I’ve been on a tear. Fuck who I want – kill who I want. Emotionally, that shit’s made me untouchable steel.

Too bad she’ll be history soon. The Russians are waiting, and no way could my father stomach the vile option of tainting her womb. He couldn’t bear to see a Rigiano in the family, even if half of her seed was his.

May as well take a mental image of her submissive body language. It turns me on to pair the image with how conceited she was in high school. The roles reversed. Power comes to those who wait.

We pull onto a dirt road leading to the family safe house. I feel secure here, since cameras are planted a mile in every direction. This is where we’ll regroup before the big night tomorrow.

The lights are already on, because Sal Dicey Matteo – my right hand – is waiting for me. This job with Ellie was just a small detour to sate my father. The real shipment is in the basement.

“Let’s go,” I snap and slam the car door shut, the soles of my loafers adding a heavy finality to the drone of Terry and Ellie’s bodies being dragged at my heel.

Sal swings the front door open, arms wide to greet me.

“Hunnie, you made it,” Sal teases. “Dinner is on the table. Chop, chop. Don’t let it get cold.”

He’s a head shorter than me, with hairy arms and a million-dollar smile. Poor lunk’s gambling habits got the better of him, otherwise he’d be capo by now.

“Hey. What’d you do to Terry?” Sal furrows his brow.

“He did it to himself,” I growl, shouldering past him.

“No kiss, hello? Rude.” Sal shrugs and slaps the men on the shoulders as they trapse by, cheering them on. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t the heartthrob of Dilian High. Ellie Rigiano. We were beginning to wonder if Loophole flew you to China or something.”

“Sal,” I call, and he scurries up to me. “Is everything ready for my father’s visit?”

“Yeah, the product is all set up for him to inspect. Eighty kilos of clean, Fentanyl-free snow ain’t no joke, Donny.”

“You’re telling me.”

“What do you want me to do with her, Stallion?” Phil – the big man – asks.

Ellie’s eyes embody fear and hate. When she looks at me, her breathing quickens.

Mine does too, but for different reasons. Her lips are kissable, even more so with that bloody scratch plumping her bottom one. The rip in her pants and missing shoe scream desperation. With an act of will I push down the urge, letting the business side win over. “Upstairs, first room to the right of the balcony. Nobody is to enter.”

“And him?” Rocco – the man with the ponytail – holds up Terry.

“You done being a hotheaded prick?” I arc an eyebrow.

Terry nods. “Yes, boss.”

“Cut ’em loose, Rocco, and clean ’em up.”

Everyone scatters on my command, leaving Sal drumming his fingers on the granite countertop in the kitchen. He’s got that suspicious gleam about him.


Sal puckers his lips. “You know what.”

“No one goes in there, Sal. Even you. I mean it.” My eyes widen to show how serious I am.

Sal shrugs. “Don’t know what the difference is. I break her in, the Russians break her in. It’s all the same.”

“This order isn’t up for question.”

Sal smiles when I ball my fists.
