Page 76 of Donned in Black

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I stare into her eyes, and they’re a mix of sadness and anger.

“I can’t do it, Donny. I have to leave. Give me a car. I’ll pay you back.”

She sounds unhinged, and her voice is scratchy like she’s been crying all day.

“Rabbit, what the hell are you saying? I thought you’d be happy that I’m taking a step back. Did something happen with the girls?”

She turns away and plops herself on the couch in the living room.

“Ellie, spit it out. You’re acting like one of the Lucrazis. Do I have to pull out your fingernails for you to sing?” It’s a bad joke, and to my dismay, it makes her scowl with disgust.

“You like making fun of the people you killed?”

I lean on the wall and fold my arms, keeping my distance. “Where the hell is this coming from?”

“Donny… when I killed my brother, it broke me.”

“Yes, I know. I’m so proud of you for getting past it, and forever in your debt. I tried to give you your space.”

My words soften her a bit.

“You did. You were so caring and perfect towards me.”

“Your dad, the ring, the wedding. We have so much going for us right now. And you’re giving me the best gift of all,” I say. “Our son.”

That will reignite our joking argument, get that crazy gleam out of her eye.

She smiles and holds her belly. “Who says it’s going to be a—” Then something comes over her, and all the anger returns. “That’s why I can’t do it. I don’t want our baby growing up to be a monster… like my brother did. He was so innocent until my father took hold of him. Now a father has to bury his son, because of the cycle he created.”

I furrow my brow. “Where in hell is this coming from? I won’t be corrupting anyone—”

“You corrupted me, Donny! Your dealings led me to my brother’s death,” her voice cracks.

Heat flares up in my chest. I don’t like that accusation. Not at all.

I take two steps to stand directly in front of her. “How dare you, Ellie? I kept to my end of the bargain. No Rigiano was to be touched while you and I were together. They ambushed us. And I would’ve died had you not come back.” I point my finger in her face. “I didn’t corrupt you. We all have our choices.”

“I didn’t choose to be kidnapped, Donny!”

“That’s true. But you chose to stay.” I calm, knowing she’s being irrational.

She stands up and looks me in the face. “Nicole overheard something—” Her voice is low, like she could burst at any moment.

“What, Ellie? I’m not a fucking mind reader. What’s got you all twisted like a damn cannoli? Huh? Spit it out.”

We’re almost nose-to-nose. First, it’s lethargy for weeks. Then it’s tears. Now it’s irrational anger. What stage of grief is fucking next?

“I know you killed Marco Catone.” She squares her shoulders. “You knew he was my boyfriend… and you didn’t say anything.”

I straighten and take a deep breath. Yea, that was my hit. But that man was a piece of shit.

“Do you deny it, Donovan? Do you deny ruining an innocent girl’s life by traumatizing her for the rest of her days? You didn’t corrupt me… hah. That’s hilarious. You’ve been corrupting people since you did your first pick-up.”

She stomps around, holding her hair with one hand. “The baby. This isn’t good for the baby. I can’t live like this,” she mutters.

Ellie’s descending into hysteria and I can’t do a damn thing to stop it. I don’t even understand why it’s happening.

“He didn’t deserve to die, Donny! I didn’t deserve to find him!”
