Page 83 of Donned in Black

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Donny grins. “Time to go home, gentlemen. Big day tomorrow.”

“I know, I know. Big man needs his beauty rest,” Sal says. “It’ll only be a minute.”

Donny grunts, and Sal tilts his head for us to follow.

We walk under the huge golden-crystal chandelier and I take one last gander at the twinkling city beyond the windows. Everyone is exiting because we already kissed them goodbye – and all have positive things to say about their excitement for tomorrow.

Sal better not have grim news. I swear, I’ll kick him in the shin myself this time.

“This isn’t the time for your antics, Dice,” Donny says curtly, practically reading my mind.

“It’s worth it, boss,” John Scar assures.

Scar’s words quiet my mind. He’s the voice of reason.

We walk into a back room where the Sicilians are waiting with their arms crossed in front of them like bodyguards.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Donny’s getting frustrated.

Sal tilts his head and stands at the head of the group, beside Scar. He’s nervous, I can tell because he always twitches his left arm before he speaks when he is. “I wanted to give you the news tomorrow. But Scar slapped me over the head when I suggested it.”

John Scar smirks at that.

I look at each of the men. They seem quite pleased with themselves.

“Spit it out,” Donny demands.

“So, you know that job you gave us free rein to execute? The one two weeks ago, with a special someone that disappeared during that magic Russian trick.”

Donny tenses, and I wonder what he’s talking about.

“Yeah, well.” Sal nudges Scar, who pulls a badge from his pocket.

He takes a step forward and offers it to me. “Listen, hun. We wanted to present this to you as an early wedding gift. We recognize the grimness, but it’s also a strong statement on behalf of us as a crew and as a family. No one fucks with Ellie Rigiano. And they never will again.”

I take the badge and it hits me what happened. They found Paul Rickard… and they executed him. “But… a cop?”

John winks at me. “Don’t you worry. We got a pretty smart boss in our corner.”

I look up at Donny.

“I made a deal with the devil, Ellie,” he tells me. “But it was to get this fucker off our backs once and for all. Rigianos were looped in and the cartel. We planned to pin it on a few border donkeys.” He looks at his men. “And it went as planned?”

Sal’s smile widens. “Happy wedding, my brother. The feds will be digging in Mexico for three decades before they ever find that slimy fuck’s bones. Guaranteed.”

Donny smirks and hugs Sal, then switches to John Scar.

I honestly don’t know what to feel. I’m flattered, but also a bit disturbed.

My mind locks in one direction for the first time, and I harden.

I stare at the badge. This man sold me like I was cattle. Made me pay him for a whole year, then betrayed me. And he claimed to be my father’s friend… Screw it. I’m happy he’s dead.

I smile and hug them too. “Not very romantic, but it’s still a damn good present.”

“Ey, oh!” the crew cheers and huddles around us.

Chapter 28
