Page 85 of Donned in Black

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“Shoo! Shoo! Go inside, people!” Rosie yells for me, and then eyes the wedding planner to get a move on.

I feel like a queen today, and can’t wait to see how Donny looks. He’s always dressed to the nines on dapper street, so I’m expecting something special.

Donny hired literal trumpet players that I notice are getting ready for our exit later. Extravagant touch. I walk into the chapel, greeted by a rustic wooden cross engraved into the wall. The ceiling is high and there’s a big, beautiful picture of Donny and I staring at each other as you enter. My mouth hangs open.

That sly bastard. I remember that exact moment. He had us photographed at a restaurant without me knowing, then had it blown up for our special day. It makes my heart tingle. The amount of thought he continuously puts into us… it’s unreal.

“Alright, ladies, just as we rehearsed last night. You all will line up here,” Mary – the wedding planner – directs my bridesmaids and makes a call to send in the groomsmen.

The next few minutes go by in a blur. Everyone is chatting with one another and squeezing my hand before getting in line. Nervous energy fills the room.

A pang of sadness knocks me in the gut. It’s really happening.

I miss you, Mom. I wish you could see me. I bite my lip and look to the cross.

Piano music blares from the other room.

I’m guided out of the hallway so I’m not seen when the massive double-doors open, and to my shock, the front church doors open to reveal a pair of federal agents entering – earpieces, shades and all.

I lose feeling in my fingers, and choke back tears when my father walks in. His suit isn’t as tapered as I remember it always being, and he’s no longer chubby like in the old days. But it’s him. Silver hair, permanent smirk, gangster swagger. It’s all him.

“Daddy.” I run past the two feds and hug him with everything I have.

“Little one.” He gleams. “You look stunning. My God, where did the time go?”

The agents are a little too close, and my father doesn’t miss how I’m trying to squirm a few inches of space between us and them.

“Do you mind?” my father barks at them. “I’ve been a good boy, so back up. My daughter’s the star here. Not me, not you.” He sticks his finger threateningly in one of their chests, and they don’t flinch. They do, however, take a step back.

His smile resumes. He kisses my cheek, unaware of what it’s going to do to my makeup, and I don’t care. Every cell in my body is bursting with nostalgic comfort. I hook onto his arm with a goofy-smile.

“Right on time, Mister Rigiano.” Mary directs us back into the hallway when the double-doors close. “Excuse me. Are we going to be walking with four or two?”

Everyone hates the feds today.

Reluctantly, they back up.

“We will be seated next to Ronaldo in the pew,” one of them says.

“Yes, sir. Now get the hell out of the bride’s light, please.” Mary inspects me, then winks when she backs out of the way.

My dad leans toward my ear. “Mom smiles on us today, little one. She knows how beautiful you’ve grown to be, just like I do. Love you, sweetheart.”

My face contorts. Every ounce of me is holding back waterworks. My throat feels scratchy, and I have to sniff to keep in mucus.

“Love you too, Daddy. I’m so happy you’re here, you have no idea. It’s like a dream after falling into a nightmare.”

The piano stops, and the dead air in the next room is almost heavy. Hundreds of people are no doubt turning in their seats… waiting. I lose my breath but take comfort that my father is next to me.

He stands straight – proud as can be – and the doors bellow open to hundreds of eyes on me.

A white carpet is rolled all the way down the aisle, and I barely notice the ribbons tied to each pew. All of the material is rich and overdone. All for me.

And there, at the end of the aisle, stands Donny.

His strong posture and confident glare will never leave my memory. And boy, did he swagger it up. A Tom Ford black tux with a diamond-encrusted tie-clip, tailored to accentuate his perfect body. Hair gelled to perfection. He’s a model and a devil wrapped in one.

His face softens when we lock eyes, and I really do feel beautiful in this moment. There’s so much love around me.
