Page 35 of Drowned in Gold

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“Yeah, didn’t think so. Some mutual respect, is all I ask.” I hold out my fist, which he glances at, then reluctantly bumps. “We’re brothers, asshole. Don’t forget it.”

I rev my engine to echo my frustration. I just ramped up the doomsday clock by making a show of this and ensured we’re going to kill each other if I don’t get a handle on this Gia thing.

As much as I don’t want to, I think I have to pull back.

Her arms around me two nights ago makes the idea impossible. I want that again. But what am I risking if I go get it?

We drive into the city to take care of some collections. I built my business to be technology-proof, for ‘longevity,’ as Donny likes to preach. Jewelry and precious metals are the core of it, and will never go out of style, no matter how underground the mob has to go. My muscle – Marco – is here in case someone tries to go back on their terms, which happens a lot in my line of work. Just not to me.

They all know I roll with the Hairtrigger. Gossip spreads.

After our third smooth pick-up, Marco brings up the one thing that makes me tense.

“Yo, ever since this new cash from our expanded distribution, things have been different with the family,” Marco says. “Mom treats me like I walk on water, but she’s more worried than ever. And Gia… I thought we got past our issues when I saw her at Bangos that night. But she’s as mad as ever at me.”

“We’re all just worried about you,” I say flatly.

“Don’t give me that bullshit. That’s for the women,” he snarls. “My point is, I’m trying to do the right thing and make their lives comfortable. A little gratitude—”

“Our families will never approve of how we make money, Marco, no matter how high we climb. You know that.”

“The cross we bear, huh?” He pulls out his pistol and admires it.

I grow more tense at the sight. He didn’t get his name from nothing. I’m wondering if he’s playing me, and he knows all about me and his sister. I’d overpower him in a second. But I don’t want him to die.

“Gia’s been acting strange too.” Marco releases the clip to check his bullets. “Missed her first shift in three years yesterday. I’m wondering if it has something to do with me showing my face week before last. She always despised the mob. Maybe the sight of me made her scared again.”

I remain silent, paying attention to his hands more than his words.

“Maybe it’s something else…” his voice crawls. “Either way, I’m worried about her.” He shoves the gun into the back of his pants, and I take a breath.

“I’m sure she’s fine. Maybe she’s got a cold or something.” I shrug.

“Nah. Something’s up. No way she would’ve accepted your invitation to our show if she wasn’t strapped for cash or something.”

I laugh at that. “Your sister? I doubt we’d catch her strung out at the slot machines, Marco. Besides, I paid her that night. Sure she’ll be fine for a while.”

Marco leans back in his seat and laughs alongside me. “You’re probably right. Hell, she wouldn’t accept my cash though. Guess your gold is less dirty than mine.”

A part of me wants this Gia conversation to be over. But really? I love talking about her, even if my secret is life-or-death when it comes to him. I wish it didn’t have to be this way.

Chapter 12


My stomach is a bundle of nerves. Not only has Castor been aloof for the last week, but I can’t get the silhouette of that guy in the Maserati out of my head.

It makes me really uneasy. Reminds of me of the guys who were after Marco in his late teens because he ripped off the wrong bodega. Colombians nearly ripped him limb-from-limb on more than one occasion. Are the same kind of people after Castor?

Great, now I have to worry about two assholes.

I throw on my sweater and grab my car keys to head to the grocery store. Hopefully a quick drive will get my mind off of him. I keep thinking of the amazing night we had – full of sex and laughs, and cuddles. He’s like a big, tattooed lion when that blazer is off, one that I just want to bury myself in and never let go. Those hardened blue eyes always soften when they land on mine.

Let me be your vice, Castor.

Stop ignoring me because of him.

I wave goodbye to Linda upstairs and head out the door. I’m meeting up with Stacey for coffee later because I can’t keep all this in anymore. It’s lonely again. Just when I found something to look forward to, he starts pulling away. I hope he’s not in trouble…
