Page 36 of Drowned in Gold

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Oy. Stacey is going to kill me for being such a giant hypocrite. I know deep down she’d be happy that I got with such a bad-boy sex-pistol, but still. I feel like an ass.

It’s brisk out on a spring day, so I pull my sleeves over my fists and fold my arms as I walk to the car. I’m attentive to the types of cars on my block now. If I see a random expensive one, I know there’s trouble. But really, I hope to see Castor watching over me. After proclaiming he wants to explore what’s building between us, like a real couple settling into each other, he wouldn’t treat me like a fling, would he?

Chrt. Chrt.

My measly little Volkswagen Jetta chimes open, and as I open the door, I hear a voice close behind me.

“Excuse me, miss? I think you dropped this,” a strong Russian accent makes me jump in place.

I turn, terrified, to a man with three silver teeth among not-so-pearly whites and oversized aviators failing to hide dark black circles under his eyes.

My whole body turns frigid at how aggressively he advances. I’m cornered as he steps forward and shoves me into my own car.

“Hel—” A hand claps over my mouth.

“One word, and your brains fly all over the window, understand?” He trains an oversized pistol on me.

My heart thumps in my ears as I scramble awkwardly back into a seat. My leg is burning from crashing into the center console, and when he motions for me to move over with his gun, I do so without thinking.

“I don’t have much money on me. You want the car, take it.” I toss the keys at him. “Please.”

The man shuts the door, locking us both into the metal cage.

Not like this. Please…

I’m praying a neighbor saw the brief assault, or maybe sensed my undying panic. Castor… Marco… save me.

He presses the gun to his own head and smiles wide, making me horrified that he’s as unhinged as my brother.

“Sit still, relax. I do not want what you offer.” He grabs my wrist and pulls me closer, making me yelp. I exhale a shaky breath as he presses his hand against my breast. I want to die as I stare at the barrel pointed at me. “Ah, there it is.” He pushes hard on my chest. “Th-thump. Th-thump. Strong heart. You want it to keep beating, yes?”

I swallow past a lump in my throat and nod. Tears stream down my face as I analyze the predator. He’s distorted in my blurry vision – like a caricature, but the scar on his hairy arm is unmistakable, and so are those protruding veins on such a thin man. Was he just hiding behind a car, waiting for me to leave the house? What kind of sick fuck—

“Relax, my dear. You are merely collateral. Patrovski doesn’t like to do business unless he knows his partners are truly invested. If your boy slips up, then… bang.”

I shake my head. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

“Of course you don’t, little sheep. You are just cargo. Baah.” He laughs maniacally.

“Please, just let me go.”

“You are Miss Popular in Bullion’s crew, huh? Always man watch here, man watch there. But now, I have you. And if you tell anybody, my tactical sniper rifle will find you in little apartment – when sleeping, or in shower, or painting—”

I gasp. How long has he been watching me?


I jump in place.

“One shot through window and no one ever knows why. Understand?” His finger trails past my breasts… down to my belly as he cackles all the way.

I suck in my gut and kick as far back as possible.

“This is the price your boyfriend pays.” He bares his teeth at me. “Sleep easy.” His finger inches toward my area, and I want to crawl into a ball and pray this is a nightmare. His fingernails are dirty like he’d been digging a ditch all day, and the smell spewing from his pores is pure alcohol. “Remember, sheep, not a peep.”

I shut my eyes tight and nod as he slowly leans away. A quick glance around all the windows tells him the coast is clear, so he inches out of the car, slams the door, and struts down the street.

I’m left hyperventilating in the passenger’s seat. This man has the jump on both of them. If I tell my brother or Castor, he’ll kill me, or maybe kill us all.
