Page 98 of Drowned in Gold

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Castor snickers. “This’ll take five minutes, then we’ll call Missus C and Randy together, alright?”

“Okay.” My face hurts from smiling. Feels like I’m walking on a cloud. How is this possible? Castor DeMatteo and me? Engaged?

Our whole relationship flashes through my head. Not just the time we dated, but before then. Ogling him from my window, waiting for him to talk to me whenever he came over… Life can be surreal sometimes.

As I head back into Bangos, I don’t spot Stacey bustling around, which makes me sad. I want her to be the first to see. She hid with me like a couple of most wanted convicts when the Russians were after me. She needs to share this moment.

I frown as Castor drags me toward his private room. He’s all smiles, which makes me happy. It’s kind of weird though… Wait, why is Melissa covering Stacey’s table—

Castor opens the door and drags me through.


My heart nearly seizes when the lights burst on to all of my closest family and friends shouting at me with gigantic smiles on their faces. My mom bustles over with tears in her eyes and buries her head in my nook.

“Oh my baby!” She breaks the embrace to look at me – our eyes all glassy.

Stacey runs up from the other side of me and plants a big kiss on my cheek. “Did you know, did you know? It didn’t look like you knew.”

“I didn’t know.” I’m laughing through everything I say in disbelief. “You guys played it off great.”

Ace and Ratchet are congratulating the big man. Then the whole party stops when Marco hobbles over to us, doing his best to look tough with some obvious pain by his belly.

“Damn. I had the bet on you saying no. Thought I had good odds, too.” He cracks a smile and opens his arms for me to hug him.

I do. Probably a little too hard. Both to punish him and tell him I love him.

“Rgh,” he groans.

I give him a big kiss on the cheek, just so he knows I did it on purpose.

“Go ahead, Marco. Now that it’s official, tell her the news.” Castor nods at him.

“Oh fuck off with your sappy bullshit. You tell ’er.” He waves his hand in the air as he turns away. “I’ll be by the bar getting a drink.”

“Hey! You’re not supposed to be drinking!” Mom chases after him.

“What news? What other news can there be, Castor?” I motion around the beautifully decorated room.

‘She said YES!’ signs are everywhere, gold-trimmed tablecloths, full staff waiting hand and foot on everyone. And even Marty is smiling somewhere in the corner. My heart has never felt so warm.

Castor smirks at me. “Your brother agreed to be my best man.”

“Ahh!” I chase after the hobbling asshole. “Marco!”

“Ugh. I knew you’d be annoying about it.”

“What? This is so great. Yay!” I give him another kiss on the cheek.

“Oh, we’re on speaking terms now?” He takes a swig of a drink he snatched from somewhere when Mom wasn’t looking.

“What, did you hit your head too when you got shot?” I knock on it. “I balled my eyes out to you at the hospital.”

“I heard. Castor told me everything. You’re good jerk-offs, the two of you. Maybe I don’t regret saving his golden ass.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, she said yes!” a voice echoes through the speakers. He hired a DJ, too? Jeez. “Where’s our newly engaged couple? Come to the front please. Take a bow for the crowd!”

“Looks like you’re up.” Marco smirks.

Castor holds out his hand as he breaks away from his friends, and I slip both arms around his waist.

“You really are something.” I hold his eyes.

“Something good, I hope.”

I reach up and kiss him for a few seconds too long. “Something golden.”

More dark ties to the Valentino-Rigiano family await you...
