Page 102 of Ty

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“She’s all right, brother. Just in shock, I think.”

“Help me get this motherfucker off me. He’s heavy, and the gun is digging into my chest.”

Jinx loosened his arms, and Kelsie immediately slipped away. Her arms and legs felt as though they weighed two hundred pounds each, but she found the strength to crawl across the floor. When she reached Ty, she kneeled at his head.

“Baby,” he said with a mountain of relief in his hold.

“I’m sorry.” Sobs burst forth.

Jinx grabbed the back of Andrew’s shirt and hauled his body off Ty with the ease of lifting a child. Blood darkened the material of Ty’s once-gray shirt. Kelsie gasped at the sight.

“Not a drop of it is mine,” Ty said as he climbed to his knees. “Fucking swear it.”

The need to bury herself against his chest and block out the world clawed at her, but they were both filthy with blood and grime.

Then Ty cocked his head as he looked her up and down. He tipped her chin with the most gentle touch imaginable, bringing fresh tears to her eyes. “He fucking hurt you.” His jaw ticked. “I’d give my left nut to resurrect that asshole and kill him all over again. Hell is too good for him. He needed to suffer more on Earth.”

Shaking her head, she grabbed his hands. “No. All that matters is he’s gone. Forever.”

“Yep.” They swiveled their heads in Jinx’s direction in time to see him nudge Andrew’s body with his foot—hard. The body shifted and then flopped back on the ground. “This fucker ain’t going nowhere but six feet under.”

Kelsie blew out a breath as she closed her eyes or eye. One had swollen shut a while ago.

“Fuck it,” Ty muttered. He spread his legs and pulled her into his arms, blood be damned.

At that point, she couldn’t be bothered to care either. Finally, after what felt like hours of terror, she knew safety again. Nothing could hurt her in Ty’s arms. He’d saved her yet again.

The bell over the door jangled, and booted footsteps sounded on the floor. If she’d had the energy, she’d have stiffened back up with fear.

“Oh, come on,” Spec spoke with genuine distress. “I rush here for a nine-one-one call, and I don’t even get to kill anyone? Buncha horse shit.”

Jinx snorted. “Sorry, brother. You are here in time for cleanup, though.”

“But that’s the worst part. I fucking hate cleanup.” He was one octave away from whining. “That’s why we have prospects. I’m the subject matter expert, and they’re the grunts.”

Kelsie lifted her head from Ty’s shoulder to spear Spec with an incredulous stare. “The subject being killing?”

“Yes. That’s exactly… oh, shit, hon, your face.” Spec stuck his head back outside. “Pulse, get your ass in here. Kelsie needs you to put her face back together. What? Nah, these greedy fuckers had all the fun without us.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Ty muttered.

A strangled snicker bubbled its way out of her gut. Another followed, and within seconds, Kelsie was laughing against Ty’s chest. Next to being with Ty, it was the best feeling. Today had been in the top five worst days of her life, and because of Ty and his crazy family, she was laughing instead of breaking down.

He’d given her the incredible gifts of strength, care, and acceptance. At some point, the days’ events would worm their way under her skin and take up residence. That’s when she’d come apart at the seams, but there wasn’t a doubt in her mind Ty would be there to put her back together.

“Come on, baby,” Ty whispered. “Let’s get you patched up so we can get the hell out of here. I need to spend the next week locked in my bedroom with you.”

“Yeah,” she said on an exhale. “That sounds perfect.”

Five hours later, they stood under the warm spray in Ty’s glorious shower, cleaned of blood and unable to stop touching each other. After cleaning and inspecting her wound, Pulse had advised her to have it stitched by a surgeon in the ER instead of him. A hospital had been the last place she’d wanted to go, but no amount of begging swayed Pulse’s decision. He refused to be responsible for leaving a large scar in the middle of her face when he said a surgeon could achieve much better results.

The ER physician insisted on an IV as well to replace the fluids she lost while bleeding. They’d given both her and Ty scrubs to replace their bloody clothing, which she’d instead thrown away. A mountain of lies were told to the hospital staff, resulting in them agreeing not to call the police. She wasn’t even sure what had been said, but she didn’t care.

Ty cupped her chin and tilted her head, careful to keep her freshly stitched wound out of the direct spray. “Does it hurt?” he asked, running his thumb an inch below the laceration. The swelling had come down somewhat, thanks to multiple ice packs, but she still had an epic shiner and purple cheek, which the doctor said would be around for a few weeks.


“No. It’s still numb from when they sewed me up. I’m sure it’ll feel great later.” She let the sarcasm bleed into her voice.
