Page 105 of Ty

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Kelsie was getting a little misty herself, as were most of the other ladies if their blinking and staring at the sky was any indication.

“You’re my sisters in every way that counts, and I can’t wait to take this journey with all of you.”

“To the ol’ ladies,” Spec said, lifting his drink.

“Hell yeah.”

“I’ll drink to that.”

They all lifted their glasses in a toast before drinking.

“You about ready to go home?” Ty whispered before kissing the side of her neck. Something firm poked her bottom. She’d officially moved into his house a month ago and never dreamed living with another person could be so fantastic.

She bit her lip to keep from giggling. “Really?” she asked in an innocent voice. “Now? I don’t know if I want to leave. I’m having so much fun.”

His playful growl made her give up the façade. She laughed and wiggled her butt against his obvious erection.


“Take me home, Ty.”

Words she loved and couldn’t wait to say for the rest of her life.

HE COULDN’T WAIT to get his little minx home and show her what happened when she teased him too far.

Tonight had been an amazing night, and it was about to get even better.

“Love you calling it home,” he said, gazing down into her tipsy eyes and happy smile.

“Me too. I love it being my home.”

“Let’s go.”

She hopped off his lap and then teetered to the left. “Whoa,” she said with a giggle as he jumped up to steady her.

“Perhaps I’m a little drunker than I realized.”

“Perhaps,” he said, laughing.

It never got old, seeing her light, carefree, and without fear. If he had his way, she’d never experience an ounce of fear again. Occasionally, she told him he was making her crazy by going overboard in his protective nature. Once he’d laid out how gut-wrenching it had been to see her at the end of Andrew Tinsley’s gun bleeding and terrified, she’d understood his over-the-top need to keep her safe.

If he had his way, he’d keep her tied to his bed, but he was sane enough to realize it wasn’t realistic.

“You guys taking off?” Curly asked as they started to leave the circle.

“Yeah.” He winked. “This one can’t keep her hands off me.”

“Ty!” Kelsie’s cheeks turned pink.

“Hey, brother, I know how it is,” Jinx said, pointing down at Harper, who was sitting on his lap.

Harper shrugged. “Can you blame me?”

The other ladies laughed and whooped at her bold comment.

The sound of crunching leaves had all of them whipping their heads in the same direction.

Two people, a man and a woman dressed in cheap business suits, strode through the dark night toward them.
