Page 23 of Ty

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“Well,” she said, accepting the bottle of tequila. “I don’t know squat about being married, but I’ll drink to whatever you’re toasting. Gah,” she said after another swallow. “That is horrendous.”

He chuckled, eyes sparkling. “Keep drinking. Soon, you won’t even notice it.”

She eyed the bottle, shrugged, then took another sip. Then, one more for good luck. She could sure use some. “Huh, you’re right. That one wasn’t so bad.”

“All right, that’s enough.” He snickered as he snatched the bottle back. “Don’t be greedy, kid.”

Kid? She frowned. Was that how he saw her? Sure, about two decades separated them, but the idea of him looking at her like a kid had something ugly twisting inside. If there was anyone she wanted to view her as a woman, it was Ty. For whatever reason.

“Kid?” She chuckled. “I am not a fucking kid. I might be young in the years I’ve lived on this planet, but I haven’t been a kid in a long time. And I don’t mean the past few months. I grew up years before I was kidnapped and auctioned off to the highest bidder.”

“Christ, Kelsie.” He threw back more tequila.

She shrugged. “Some people are lucky enough to get through life without one traumatic incident.” She rolled her head in his direction, meeting his intense gaze. “And some of us get their share on top of our own.”

The bottle froze halfway to his mouth. Storm clouds darkened his expression. “Kels—”

She held up a hand, warding off whatever he planned to say next. “Don’t listen to me. Apparently, tequila makes me loose-lipped and maudlin.”

“Kelsie, if you need help—”

“All I need right now, Ty, is for you to stop looking at me like a child you pity. After everything I’ve been through…” Her voice hitched, and she swallowed the mountain of emotion. Now wasn’t the time to get all weepy.

Damn you, tequila.

Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound.

“Give me that freakin’ bottle.” She held out her hand.

He continued to stare at her, and just when she was certain he’d push her to keep talking, he said, “How about this one? To an empty clubhouse, which never fucking happens, and the peace of sitting around a roaring campfire without a house full of fuckers driving me crazy.”

Kelsie laughed. “Well, I don’t know your brothers, but I can imagine it gets a bit… rowdy around here, so I’ll drink to that.” She grabbed the bottle back from him. “To peace and quiet.” Then she took another big swallow.

They sat before the fire long into the night, talking, laughing, and passing the bottle. Her fingers tingled, and her limbs buzzed with energy. The alcohol and the company had her feeling lighter than she had in ages.

Ty was funny and handsome and drew her like no one else had before.

Too bad he saw her as a damaged kid he had to entertain for the night.

That depressing thought was almost enough to kill her happy buzz. But then the conversation lulled, and they were left staring at each other with the heat of the fire crackling and something just as hot sizzling in the air between them.

Or maybe her brain was swimming in so much tequila she’d imagined the connection.

That had to be it.

She was too damaged to draw a man like Tyler.

“Don’t fall asleep,” he warned, interrupting her depressing monologue.

“I won’t,” she mumbled. “But I am getting tired. I should probably head back.” She stood only to have the world dip and swoop, taking her stomach along with it. “Whoa,” she said, reaching out for the arm of the chair.

Ty chuckled. “Easy there, killer.” He stood, only slightly steadier than her.

Giggling, Kelsie said, “Maybe I should just sleep right here.”

“Nah, c’mon. Let’s head inside and drink some coffee. Once we sober up, I’ll walk you back to the shelter.”

“Inside? The clubhouse?” Where all the men hang out? No way. Even drunk, she knew that was a dreadful idea. She blinked, trying to slow the spinning, but the effort fell flat. Ugh. She’d never make it back to the shelter at this rate. Maybe she could crawl.
