Page 43 of Ty

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Ty raised an eyebrow. “Is that what we’re missing?”

“Fuck… you,” Fletcher said between wheezes.

“What’s wrong? Don’t like that idea? Coulda fooled us.”

Fletcher said something, but his raspy voice made it intelligible.

“Speak up,” Jinx called with a laugh.

“I said she fucking loved it.”

Ty saw red.

“She’s a who—”

He punched Fletcher so hard that the chair toppled back. The back of his head smacked against the ground with a satisfying thwack. Sharp pain bloomed across Ty’s knuckles, making him smile. If his hand hurt, so did Fletcher’s face.

“Hell yeah! That’s what I’m talking about.” Jinx slow-clapped as he cheered.

Ty kicked the leg of the chair, spinning Fletcher until his face came into view. Blood poured from his nose, puddling on the ground. God, he wanted the man to die.

Slowly and painfully.

Even that wouldn’t be enough to slake his rage. All he could think about as he glared down at the fucker was the way Kelsie looked the day they’d rescued her. She’d been traumatized beyond reason, visibly bruised, and scared out of her mind. This man caused that. He’d taken a young, beautiful woman and harmed her in the worst way. A woman who stared at Ty as though he’d hung the fucking moon.

Would that change if he ended Fletcher’s life? Kelsie claimed to want him dead, probably did want it for now, but would she lose the gleam in her eye if she knew Ty was the one to do it?

It shouldn’t matter. Beyond the few kisses they’d shared, nothing could happen between them. Kelsie wasn’t in the right head space for it, and he was too fucking old for her. She needed to find a guy her age who wanted the same as her.

Even if the thought of another man near her made him murderous.

That was his issue, not hers.

He rolled his shoulders to loosen the knots. His skin felt too tight for his body. What the fuck was wrong with him?

“Hey, VP.” Spec appeared at his side, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Let me do it,” he muttered low enough that only Ty heard.

“What?” He raised an eyebrow at his club’s enforcer. The man was nearly a decade younger and had a bloodthirsty side like no other.

“This is my job. And I’m damn good at it if I do say so myself.” Spec winked. “I’ll spend some quality time with him. We’ll get to know each other real well.”

Ty nodded. Spec knew ways to inflict pain that Ty hadn’t heard of.

“Torture isn’t your style.”

No, it wasn’t, but he had a promise to keep. Speaking low so only Spec would hear, he said, “I swore to Kelsie she would go to bed tonight knowing one less monster walked the Earth.”

“And she will.” Spec nodded. “I’ll let you know when it’s done.”

Grunting, Ty ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah.” He met Spec’s gaze. “Thanks, brother.”

Spec winked. “Anytime. And I mean that. I live for this shit.”

The comment was meant to make Ty laugh, but he couldn’t summon the energy. His feet felt heavier than lead as he walked over to his cousin and president, who stood next to Jinx. “I need to get the fuck outta town for a few days.”

Curly nodded. “No problem.”

“I’ll cover for you at the shop. Don’t worry about a thing,” Jinx added as he slapped Ty on the back.
