Page 57 of Ty

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He tilted his head. “But?”

“Will you touch me? Will you kiss me again? Will you—” She squirmed on his lap, cheeks pink and eyes wide.

Oh, shit, she was needy.

“You need to come, beautiful, is that it?”

She bit her lower lip, dragging a groan from him as she nodded. “Please, Ty, it’s been so long.”

“Since…” He raised an eyebrow.

The question hung between them, heavy with the implications.

She nodded again.

Goddamn, the woman hadn't come since before the kidnapping—months ago. But she would tonight. He wouldn’t leave her neglected and wanting. Not if it was in his power to give her the release she craved.

“Well, then, get ready, baby, because you’re about to have the climax of your life.”

She shivered as he released her chin and slid his hand behind her head again. He yanked her forward, crashing their mouths together.

Kelsie whimpered. He could drink only those sounds and survive for weeks.

The softness vanished, replaced with desperation. His cock twitched with the need for release, but he fought it in favor of focusing on her pleasure. This would end with her coming, or he’d never forgive himself.

She let him take the lead, whimpering as he raked his teeth across her lower lip. He loved how she tasted sweet and hungry with a hint of sass. Her trust humbled him as much as it turned him on. She wouldn’t let just any man touch her like this. For now, he was the only one, and that fact made his head swell—made his cock swell too.

“Ty,” she whined as he let his hands roam down her back to her ass. He squeezed, drinking her gasp into his mouth.

“You like my hands on you?”

“I do,” she said, breathless. “I really do.”

Her legs kneeled on either side of his hips. He rested his hands just above her knees, rubbing small circles with his thumbs to get her used to the feel of him. She wore a black flowy romper, which allowed him to trail his fingers up her thighs and under the loose fabric.

“Breathe,” he whispered when she appeared to have held the air in her lungs for too long.

She exhaled a shaky laugh. “Good idea.” Her eyes held so much trust, even as the rest of her showed signs of nerves.

“Keep going?”

“I’ll have to hurt you if you stop.”

His neck arched back as he laughed. It’d been a long time since a woman made him laugh while making him hot as hell. Even his wife hadn’t captured his attention the way Kelsie did. She had depth and layers he couldn’t wait to peel back.

But those were not thoughts for tonight—or ever.

“Promise you’ll tell me if I do something you don’t like or that trig—”

“I promise.” She glared at him through narrowed eyes. “Now, please, fucking touch me.”

“Goddamn, you never have to beg me, even if I fucking love the sound of it.” He slid his hand the rest of the way up her leg to the juncture of her thighs, where he brushed against her panties.

And they were wet.

“Told you,” she whispered with a smirk, and the confirmation she did want this, combined with that sly little grin, had him dragging her into another deep, mesmerizing kiss. This time, he ran his thumb up and down the wet strip on her panties, eliciting a long moan from her. “You don’t need to check in so much. I trust you, Ty. Please trust that I will speak up if I’m not okay.”

He wanted to see what she had on beneath her clothes—wanted to know if the panties were black and suggestive or a bright, cheerful hue. He was dying to know what her tits looked like and if she had any freckles in hidden places on her skin. But she’d have to lose the whole damn outfit for that to happen, and tonight, he wanted her as comfortable as possible—or as comfortable as she could be while he drove her to the edge of sanity. Maybe it was better she stayed clothed and didn’t have to worry about the weight of a stare on her naked body while a man touched her for the first time since the kidnapping.
