Page 64 of Ty

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She frowned as she rolled off him. Was he ashamed of her being in his bed?

“I’m not trying to hide you.”

Could this man read her mind? He seemed to know her fears before she voiced them.

“She’s an evil bitch who you don’t want to know. You don’t deserve to be around her toxicity.”


The door swung open.

“The fuck, Trina?” Ty shouted as he grabbed the sheet, hauling it up over Kelsie.

She still wore his shirt and her panties, but only that, and appreciated the attempted privacy.

“Get the fuck out!”

“Well, well, well,” a nasally, near whiny voice said. “Looks like I’m late to the party.”

“Get the fuck out.”

Instead of listening, the woman chuckled and leaned against the door frame. “Robbing the cradle, Ty?” she tutted. “I had no idea you liked ’em so young.”

Kelsie narrowed her eyes. The only word she could think to describe the woman who’d barged in uninvited was garish. She wore a metallic gold miniskirt, fishnet stockings, gold high heels, and at least five gold necklaces. A fire-engine red crop top completed the outfit. Her long, bleach-blonde hair hung down past her breasts in bouncy curls. She was stick-skinny with overly large boobs and nails longer than Kelsie’s thumb.

Was this what Ty was into?

“Trina, get out.”

She turned her viper’s smile on Kelsie. “Honey, you’re out of your league, playing with the big boys. Why don’t you run on home and let me talk to my husband.”

What. The. Fuck.

“That’s it.” Ty hopped out of bed with his softened dick still wet from her mouth and hanging from his underwear. He vaulted across the room without bothering to cover himself.

Trina’s eyes gleamed as she watched him stalk toward her. “You two have been busy this morning,” she crowed, eyes on Ty’s dick.

“Get the fuck out. I’ll deal with you in a minute.” He herded her out the door, deftly avoiding her grabby hands, then slammed and locked it before resting his head against it with a heavy sigh.

Kelsie pulled the sheet to her chin. “Um, let me get dressed, and I’ll get out of your hair.” Guess she’d be calling Brooke or Liv for a ride. What a humiliating call that would be.

“No.” His back was still to her but no longer relaxed. Tension corded his muscles and hunched his shoulders. He fixed his boxers, covering his spent cock, then turned around. “Don’t go anywhere. Let me get rid of her. She is the one who isn’t wanted here. You are.” He pushed off the door, walked to her, cupped her face, and kissed her until she could barely remember what the problem was. “This morning was the best morning I’ve had in decades.”


“Let’s get rid of her, then take my bike out. I know a great place for breakfast right on the beach.”

“Oh, yeah, I’d love that.” Who was this man, and what had he done with the Tyler who ran from her every chance he got?

He kissed her again. “Give me five minutes.”

Kelsie shook her head. “No.”

His eyes narrowed, but his smirk betrayed the fierce look he was going for. “No?”

“Yep. She’s already seen me… no point in hiding now. Besides, I don’t trust her for a second. You do not need to be alone with her.”

Oh shit, did it sound like she was staking a claim? After one night, he’d not given her any indication it was more than him helping her out. Was this when he’d give her the boot?
