Page 66 of Ty

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She shrugged. “Just because I’m not based out of here any longer doesn’t mean I’m not the best choice.” Her grin morphed into one of triumph. “My client is looking to purchase quite a few buildings near the industrial park. You know the area, I believe.”

Ty’s blood ran cold. “You fucking bitch.” His shop had been in the same location for nearly twenty years. He ran a lucrative business that continued to grow each year. It was time to expand. The plan was to open a second franchise on the opposite side of town. The industrial park had a building that would be perfect for his expansion plans. He’d had his eye on it for the past year, and a few weeks ago, the company currently occupying the space closed down.

Horrible luck for them but incredible for Ty’s business endeavors.

Somehow, Trina found out about it and used it to her advantage.

This surprise visit was a threat in disguise.

“W-who’s the entrepreneur?” Kelsie was ashen and gripped the back of his recliner as though she’d fall without its support.

“I’m sorry, child, what was that?”

“Who? Who called you for a meeting?”

He frowned. Why did it matter?

“Oh, hmm…” Trina tapped her lips with a long fingernail. “I believe his name was Lorenzo something.” Her tone reeked of faux innocence. The Academy wouldn’t give this woman an Oscar if she were the last actress on Earth. “Gosh, on my life, I can’t remember his last name. Any chance you know it, little girl?” Her grin slithered along Ty’s spine like a damn snake.

Kelsie’s face had gone from pale to a sickly gray. She opened her mouth but didn’t make a sound. Her devastated gaze met his. Tears filled those beautiful eyes.

The sight was enough to boil Ty’s blood. “Okay,” he barked to Trina, “I don’t know what the fuck this bullshit is about, but you have five seconds to get out of my house before I toss you out on your boney ass.”

“Still thinking about my ass, I see. Guess some things never change.”

He lunged forward, making her jump, but her surprise morphed into a high-pitched cackle. “All right, all right. I’ve said my piece. I’m going.” She swung her glittery purse over her shoulder. “You’ve gotten so sensitive.” She turned toward Kelsie. “You need to take better care of him, honey. Pro tip… he loves a little submission in bed, so make sure you—”

“That’s fucking it.”

Kelsie seemed to deflate before his eyes.

He marched forward, but Tina scurried outside before he could reach her. Her shrill laugh lingered in the air after he slammed the door on her ass.

“Fuck,” he shouted, smacking the heel of his hand against the door.

The outburst made Kelsie jump and squeak behind him. He didn’t have to look to know she jolted hard enough to have her heart rate soaring.

Way to scare the skittish woman who’d been held against her will and subjected to violence, asshole.

“Shit, I’m sorry,” he said in a soft tone as he turned.

She stood behind him with her arms folded across her stomach. The position made her shrink in on herself, which, when combined with her ashen complexion, broke his heart. He rolled his shoulders, relaxing his stance as much as possible. Though he wanted nothing more than to gather her in his arms and kiss her breathless, he didn’t dare touch her until she granted him express permission. The last thing he wanted to do was make this clusterfuck worse. “Kels, sorry for everything that happened this morning, but mostly for scaring you just now.”

She blinked as though surprised he was speaking to her. “What? No. You didn’t scare me. You startled me, but…” She shrugged, letting her gaze drift to his windows before returning to him. “I’m not afraid of you. I don’t know why, but you are the only person who makes me feel completely safe. Even when you want to murder your ex.”

Well, damn, he grew ten feet taller in that moment. But Kelsie still looked seconds from vomiting.

“About what she said at the end…”

Shaking her head, she held up a hand. “I need to tell you something. It’s important.”

“Okay…” Was she about to end it? Did Trina’s comment about him wanting a submissive woman in bed change her mind? It wasn’t even fucking true. Nothing was sexier to him than Kelsie holding the reins. Whatever reassurance she needed in that department, he was happy to provide.

“Can we sit?”

He nodded and gestured toward the couch. “Of course.”

Kelsie walked in front of him. Her movements were stiff and uncomfortable, nothing like the woman who’d rocked his world earlier that morning. She sat, spine rigid and expression akin to drinking sour milk.
