Page 69 of Ty

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He narrowed his eyes as he slid his hand back, filling them with her ass. After a sensual squeeze—dirty trick—he said, “Nice avoidance of my actual question. Why do they want you back? Specifically.”

“My father has aspirations to run for political office.” She chuckled without mirth. “Even on house arrest, he’s still trying to take over the world. And, uh, he’s been flirting with various powerful politicians, hoping to get a strong backing. There’s one in particular he wants. Someone he’s willing to sell his soul for.”


“Cameron Tinsley.”

Ty’s eyes flared. “The Speaker of the House? That guy is crooked as fuck.”

“Yeah, well, so is dear ol’ dad.”

“I’m not following what this has to do with you.”

“Tinsley has agreed to put his considerable weight and wallet behind my father’s senate race for governor. Hell, I don’t even remember what position he covets, but Tinsley has agreed to back him if…”

“If…” He nearly snarled the word.


“I marry his son. Um, the son has a terrible public reputation that is beginning to hurt his father politically. Cameron will join my father’s team if they can marry him off to a ‘nice girl’ and clean up his image.”

“His son?” Ty frowned, then went completely rigid beneath her, but not in the way she’d have preferred. “Wait one fucking second. Cameron Tinsley’s son is Andrew Tinsley.”

Here it comes.

His hands tightened on her ass. “They want you to marry Andrew-fucking-Tinsley? Over my dead body. That guy was arrested only a few months ago for a domestic altercation. He beat his girlfriend bloody. And if I’m not wrong, it wasn’t the first time he’s been in trouble with the law for pounding on his women.”

Her stomach twisted. “Yes,” she whispered. “Hence the bad reputation. My brother called a few weeks ago to tell me the plan he and my father concocted to bring me back into the family fold and marry me off, and I—”

“A few weeks ago?” His eyes spit fire and had her brother or father been in the room, he’d have no doubt torn them apart. “That’s why you ended up in the hospital, right? That’s why you hurt yourself.”

Shame washed over her, hot and sharp. “Yes,” she said in barely a whisper. “Lorenzo told me they knew where I was. That this wasn’t an offer. I was coming home, and I would be marrying Andrew Tinsley. He claimed they’d let me ‘tantrum long enough’ as he put it. It was time for me to grow up and do my part.”


“It sent me spiraling. I was so frozen with fear I couldn’t eat or drink. I didn’t leave my bed for days. I was… not good. The thought of marrying a man like that, of having him touch me, made me have horrendous flashbacks. I tried every trick I’d learned to ground myself and bring myself back to reality. Nothing worked. It was so bad. I could see my life playing out before me being used and abused by Andrew Tinsley. I became so desperate to feel something that I grabbed the knife.” She shrugged. “And you know the rest.”

“Jesus, Kels.”

“I didn’t want to die.”

He hugged her to his chest. “I know, baby.” They stayed that way until his need to know the rest couldn’t be ignored any longer. He loosened his arms, and she sat straight once again. “So, what? Your brother appeared yesterday to tell you that time’s up.”

Kelsie nodded. “Something like that. He made some idle threats, too, which I assume he’s carrying out by targeting your business first. I have no doubt the longer I resist, the more he’ll mess with your club. Maybe I should just—”

His arms circled her, and he dragged her against his chest again, this time with a vise hold. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence. There is no way you’re going back to your father, and there’s no fucking way you’re getting within ten miles of that abusive piece of trash. We won’t let this happen, Kels. I won’t let this happen.”

“Ty, you need to focus on saving your business, not on me.”

“Kelsie.” His voice brokered no argument. “I will keep you safe. Promise it on my fucking life.”

Her head rested on his chest with the steady thump of his heart beneath her ear, settling her. He was warm and strong, rubbing his large hand up and down her back in a soothing caress. She closed her eyes and breathed, allowing herself to soak up the safety his arms provided. Unlike when Lorenzo called her to reveal his devious plan, she didn’t have the ominous sensation of the ground opening up and swallowing her whole.

“Tell me you believe me.”

“I do.”

“No.” He loosened his arms and tugged the back of her hair. “Look me in the eye and tell me you believe I will not let him get near you.”
