Page 7 of Ty

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The pain had localized, centering on her left forearm. Kelsie lifted it to find thick bandages.

Oh, God.

She let her arm drop and flop back to the bed, gasping when pain rippled through her skin. The recent past came rushing back with profound force.


Kelsie gasped, whipping her head to the right.


Oh my God. He was there, next to her bed, looking handsome, fierce, worried, and furious all at the same time. Equal parts shame and safety flooded her, making the words die in her throat.

He was there.

And he knew.

He knew.

“Just tell me why?” Agony tinged the question as though her attempt at ending her life somehow pained him.

She supposed, on some level, it made sense. He’d gone out of his way to help rescue her, held her in his arms as she trembled and shut down. This must come across as a betrayal. He’d given her a second chance at life, and she’d spit in its face.

“I didn’t really want to die,” she whispered as hot tears pooled in the corners of her eyes. They caused his face to wobble, but she didn’t miss his quick flinch before he schooled his features. “I promise. Um, it felt like I was in a trance. I did one arm...” She lifted her left arm. “But the pain shocked me back to reality, and I panicked. I was a mess, but I ran to my neighbor’s house. She’s a nurse. I didn’t want to die. I don’t want to die.”

He didn’t so much as blink. “You still didn’t answer my question.”

How was it possible that she felt good for the first time in months? All it took was being in his presence for the unrelenting fear and worry to melt away. It was why she’d left the first time around. Whatever feelings she’d developed in the five minutes she’d known this man was wildly inappropriate. Staying anywhere near him could put his life and everyone he loved in danger, not to mention she risked developing an unhealthy attachment.

She couldn't afford a crutch.

But even the distance couldn’t stop her brain from thinking of him dozens of times every day.

God, she was pathetic.

“Things got… bad.”

His jaw ticked. She could sense his mounting frustration as though it were a physical presence in the room with them. But he didn’t call her on it. Instead, he seemed to shore up an epic amount of patience and asked, “Because you aren’t healing from the trauma you endured?”

Oh, if only that horrific week of her life was the only demon chasing her.

If you don’t come back on your own by your birthday, I will send someone to bring you back. You need to get on board with the plan.

She shivered. Her birthday was in a few weeks, and she’d rather die than fulfill that command.

She cringed at her own poor analogy.


His eyes narrowed, and for a second, she feared he’d call her on her semi-bullshit, but the door opened, and a woman dressed in eggplant purple scrubs bustled in. “Well, hello there, honey. It is good to see you awake and alert.” She veered straight for the computer, setting down a bag of clear liquid before she clacked away on the keyboard. “I’m Miranda, and I’ll be the nurse taking care of you until around seven thirty tonight. Are you having any pain right now?”

She stopped typing as she waited for an answer.

“Just a little.” Kelsie tore her gaze from Ty. She could feel the heat of his stare as she focused on the nurse, who happened to be a beautiful woman, even in baggy scrubs. She had shiny auburn hair tied back in a neat bun and a flawless face of tasteful makeup. If she had to guess, Kelsie would put her somewhere in her mid-thirties. No ring circled her left ring finger.

“Scale of one to ten?” Miranda asked. “One being practically no pain and ten being the worst you could imagine.”
