Page 70 of Ty

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She straightened and met his gaze. The fierce promise in his eyes had butterflies dancing through her stomach and a ripple of excitement racing up her spine. The mountain of pressure and tension she’d been struggling under for the past month evaporated. Ty wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. She fully believed it. “I do,” she said, making her voice strong. “I believe you, Ty. And I trust you. More than anyone, maybe ever.”

His cock hardened beneath her, notching against her sex. The only thing separating them was the thin layer of her panties. Suddenly, that barrier became intolerable. She had to have and feel him inside her. She wanted them to seal this promise of protection with their bodies.

“Ty…” His name came out as a plea. Anything else she would have said died in her throat at the intense desire in his eyes.

“I know.” He grabbed the back of her head and crashed their mouths together.

Kelsie squeaked as their lips met. Within seconds, she was drunk on him. Her head spun, and she could have floated to the clouds. But Ty kept her anchored to the real world with a firm hold on her ass and a hard cock grinding into her sex.

His taste, smell, and feel overwhelmed her senses. All she could do was clutch his shoulders and let him ravage her mouth with his hungry lips and tongue. He took full advantage of her pliancy, nipping at her lips and stroking his tongue against hers in the way she wanted him to stroke deep inside her.

She rocked against him, drawing a tortured groan that had her grinning against his mouth.

“Minx,” he whispered, making her giggle.

They stared at each other, heat and desire swirling between them. Kelsie bit her lower lip and nodded. Green light granted.

“You sure?”

“Yes,” she answered. “So sure. Please, Ty. I want you. I need you.”

He stood without warning, hoisting her up by her ass. Kelsie squeaked as she wrapped her legs around his waist and hooked her ankles to secure her in place. He kissed her again, quick and hard, before carrying her to his bedroom, where he went straight to the bed.

He didn’t toss her but lay her carefully in the middle of the mattress, coming down right on top of her. The way he took care of her made her insides melt. Somehow, he managed it without making her feel lacking for her inability to handle anything rough yet. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind he’d stop the second she asked, but she also didn’t have an ounce of fear with him. He seemed to instinctively know what she could and couldn’t handle.

They kissed for what felt like hours, grinding and soaking up the glorious sensations of being together. His hands roamed her body, eliciting goose bumps and shivers. Every time he found a spot that made her gasp or tremble, he spent extra time there, driving her wild.

“Ty,” she said after he sucked on the pulse point of her neck until she was panting. “I need more. I need you to touch me more. Help me get this shirt off.”

He leaned back and studied her but didn’t ask whether she was sure. It meant so much that he trusted she knew what she wanted. This was night and day from the traumatic experience she’d had when kidnapped. Ty deserved a reward for his care of her physical and emotional well-being.

They worked together to shimmy his shirt up her body and over her head. It landed somewhere on the floor. Later, she’d have to search for it because that shirt was her property now. For good measure, she wriggled out of her panties as well. They were nearly soaked through with evidence of her desire for this man. As she brought her legs back down to the mattress, he widened her thighs so they were on either side of him. Before she had a chance to send the panties flying off the bed, Ty caught her hand and brought it to his face, where he inhaled the scent of her wetness.

“Like a fucking drug,” he whispered, which stole her breath and made her sex clench.

Kelsie blew out a shaky breath as she lay back against the mattress and let him look his fill. His dark, hungry gaze roamed over every exposed inch of her. She’d never wanted someone like she did Ty, with her whole body, head, and heart. They’d be stupid to rush things, but she wanted him inside her so badly she ached.

“Ty,” she practically whined as her nipples hardened to needy peaks. She wanted to close her legs and find some ease for the throbbing between them, but Ty held her thighs wide.

“So pretty,” he said, his gaze on her pussy. “So wet.”

Oh my God.

“And soon to be so full of my cock.”

Kelsie whimpered. No one had ever spoken to her this way before with such reverence and want.

“You want that?” he asked, his face a mask of control and concentration.

“You know I do.” She squirmed on the bed. Her breasts were heavy, and her nipples were uncomfortable. They needed to be touched. She moved a hand toward her breast only to have it captured by Ty’s much larger hand.

“Nuh-uh,” he tutted with a sly grin. “Those are my toys.” Then he kissed her knuckles and set her hand back at her side. But he didn’t leave her wanting for long. He leaned forward and licked a path up her chest between her breasts.

Kelsie sucked in a harsh breath. “Please, Ty,” she whispered. “It’s too much.”

“Shh, I got you, baby.” He soothed her by dragging his tongue across her nipple before sucking it into his warm mouth.

Kelsie arched off the bed with a soft cry. Her head swam with pleasure as he moved to her other breast, giving it the same attention. She sifted her hands through his hair, holding him close as he sucked her until she rocked her pelvis into him, seeking what he’d promised a moment ago. She wanted him inside her, filling her until she lost her mind.
