Page 73 of Ty

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“I know. Just give me a few more seconds to feel you like this.”

He’d give her the moon if she asked for it.

After only a few minutes, Kelsie shifted, the clear signal she couldn’t breathe, and it was time to roll his big body off her. He pulled out, wincing at the tug on his oversensitive cock.

“Be right back,” he said as he pulled off the condom.

After a quick trip to the bathroom to dispose of the latex, he returned to find Kelsie on her side watching him. She’d pulled the sheet up but only to her waist, giving him a lovely view of her tits.

“Mmm,” he said as he crawled in beside her. “Pretty sure you should never be allowed to wear clothes in this bed.”

Her shy smile did something funny to his chest.

“I think I can get on board with that. As long as the same rule applies to you.”

“Naturally. C’mon, let’s catch a nap. You wore this old man out.”

Her delighted chuckle expanded the warmth in his chest. Without him having to ask, she scooted into his arms and snuggled her face against his chest. Every exhale wafted across his pecs, raising goose bumps across his skin. At this rate, he’d be hard again, much faster than a man his age should be. Guess that’s what happened when a gorgeous, younger woman wanted him.

“Ty?” she asked after they’d been silent only a few moments.

“Yeah, babe?”

“What are we gonna do?”

She didn’t need to elaborate further. They both knew she meant about her fucked-up family. His instinct was to tell her he’d handle it—the club would handle it—and keep her as far away from the mess as possible. Kelsie had been through enough, and he’d rather lock her way in a tower like a damn princess than subject her to a moment of discomfort. But that’s not the way the real world works. It wasn’t the way his club worked either. They viewed their women as partners and didn’t keep them in the dark. Besides, it was her family, and she deserved to be in the loop. Hell, she deserved a say in how they handled the situation as much as he’d fucking hate every second of her involvement.

Not that she was his woman.

That kind of thinking was nuts, but the club had adopted Kelsie into the fold, and he had a feeling they’d never let her go.

“I don’t know yet, but my club is damn good at solving problems. We will figure out a way to protect my business and keep you as far away from Andrew Tinsley as humanly possible. You will not be marrying that motherfucker. That I can promise you.”

“Okay,” she said, in a voice thick with exhaustion. “I trust you, Ty.”

She didn’t speak again. Within minutes, her breathing leveled, and she went slack in his arms. Ty buried his nose in her fragrant hair—something sweet, almost honey-like—and forced the rest of the world out of his mind. There would be plenty of time later to stress about his business and how to get Kelsie’s family off their backs.


Ty woke an hour and a half later to the much more pleasant sound of his neighbor’s dog yapping. Well, more pleasant than his ex-wife's window-cracking screech. Kelsie hadn’t moved an inch, still pressed against him, snoozing away.

He hated to leave her, but now was the time to start taking care of business, so he carefully untangled himself and rolled away from the warm, soft, naked woman in his bed. If it wasn’t for her family, they could have stayed in bed all day.

That was reason enough to despise the bastards.

Once he was certain he hadn’t woken Kelsie, he slipped into his sweatpants, tiptoed out of the room, and padded down the hall to the kitchen. After brewing a pot of coffee and fixing himself an extra-large mug, he sat at the table.

A multitude of ideas ran through his head—everything from waiting until Kelsie’s family made their move to a more offensive attack on their finances. The club knew people who could make things happen behind the scenes while remaining untraceable. Money could disappear, compromising photos could be leaked, and names could be whispered in law enforcement’s ears. But would any of that shit work? Kelsie’s father and brother were skilled at evading the law and probably had a security team of hundreds scouring the internet for their names twenty-four hours a day. The worst her father had ever suffered after defrauding thousands and ending multiple indictments was a few years of house arrest. Being confined to a home the size of a hotel didn’t seem like a punishment for a man who’d hurt so many.

The bottom line was Ty couldn’t solve this problem on his own. He needed to call in his brothers, and the quickest way to do that was to enlist Curly’s help.

Curly answered on the second ring. “Ty, what’s up, brother?”

“Hey, Prez, how you doing?”

Curly chuckled, and Ty could practically hear him rolling his eyes. “You’re the damn VP and my cousin. When you gonna stop calling me Prez?”

Messing with Curly was always a good time. It reminded him of when they were younger and had far fewer things to worry about. “Are you not the club’s president?”
