Page 76 of Ty

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“Ahh. Right. That guy sucks.” Jinx’s twisted expression mirrored the words.

Ty snorted. “That he does. But he’s hella powerful and willing to get in bed with Kelsie’s father, politically speaking.”

“Damn, that would all but make him a shoo-in for governor,” Tracker said as he rubbed a hand across his beard. “We might think that Tinsley guy is a fucker, but plenty support him.”

Curly’s eyes narrowed. “What’s in it for Tinsley? He’s not exactly known for doling out favors.”

“Ahh, well, that would be a wife for his son.” Just saying it made Ty want to upend the table and drive his fist through a wall. Even better, someone’s face. He could think of a few candidates—three, to be specific.

The room went deadly silent.

They all knew of Andrew Tinsley. Hell, everyone in the nation knew of Andrew Tinsley. He was the type of man that kept fathers up at night, fearing their daughters were out with a guy even a fraction as heinous as that motherfucker.

A loud crack rang out as Jinx slapped the table. “Well, that’s just not gonna fucking happen. There’s no way in hell we’ll let him near your woman, Ty. Won’t let him fuck up your business either. Goddamn, this pisses me off.”

The rest of them chimed in with their agreement. The room grew loud with all the outraged shouting and promises of violence.

Curly held up a hand. “Seems like we don’t need to take a vote here. Everyone is on board with devising a plan to keep Kelsie safe, right?”

“Fuck yes!” Jinx shouted.

“So, what’s our first move, boys?” Curly asked, but his attention was on Spec.

“I haven’t shot anyone in a while, so…” Spec shrugged.

The room cracked up, and, as usual, Jinx’s deafening laugh trumped them all.

Thank God for these men and their fucked-up sense of humor. Their unwavering support, no matter what life threw his way, meant more than he could express. But the best part was, he didn’t have to say shit. None of them did. He’d been there for his brothers through the worst and best times in their lives. That’s just how they rolled. No one needed or expected an elaborate thank you. He’d show his gratitude by sticking by them as they did him.

The tension he’d been carrying for the past few hours halved. Solving this problem wouldn’t be a cakewalk, but he had no doubt they’d devise a stellar and possibly devious plan to keep his business, and more importantly, Kelsie safe.

“I already called my attorney,” Ty said, bracing his elbows on the table. “She’s been made aware that I’m unwilling to back out of my expansion plan no matter what they offer in case they try a legal route first. I’ve also warned her there might be an attempt at a hostile takeover. She’s prepared and on alert for any suspicious activity.”

“Smart.” Curly rapped his knuckles on the table. “Spec? Ideas?”

“We need to neutralize the father and Lorenzo. This is the kind of trouble that doesn’t just disappear. We block them from taking Ty’s business, and they’ll move on to the next target. They’ll turn to Lock’s business, get the health and safety board to investigate Tracker’s tattoo shop, fuck with the opening of the women’s shelter, and the list will go on.”

“They can fucking try,” Lock muttered as he sipped his whiskey. Smart man bringing a damn drink.

“There’s no legal route to get them to back off, is there?” Tracker asked.

Shaking his head, Spec said, “Doubt it. They’ve proven countless times that they’re too slippery to face any real consequences.”

“So, we gotta play dirty,” Jinx said, cracking his knuckles.

“We hit them where it hurts the most.”

Ty raised an eyebrow. “And that would be?”

“Money and connections,” Pulse said. He wasn’t as rowdy as the others but possibly the smartest in the club. He tended to think before he spoke, whereas impulsiveness ran rampant with the rest of these guys.

“Bingo.” Spec pointed to Pulse. “We need to find a way to drain their wallets and turn everyone against them. Without funding and minions to do their dirty work, they’re nothing.”

“They’ve already survived a million scandals,” Tracker said, narrowing his eyes. “How the fuck do we get at them?”

Spec’s maniacal grin sent a shard of ice through Ty’s chest. “By doing the one thing they’d never expect.”

