Page 85 of Ty

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The door opened, and the security guard reentered the room. His gaze went first to the empty couch. An annoyed scowl scrunched his face as he found Ty standing with a book. Ty spoke a few words, and it looked as though the guard only grunted in response.

Kelsie’s gaze flicked to the computer. Her stomach plummeted when she saw Acer’s virus hadn’t finished uploading.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

What if it made noise?

What if the guard noticed?

This would all be for nothing, and who knew what her father would do to them if they were caught?

“A life.” Her father laughed. “This is a life.” He spread his arms, indicating his mansion and vast property. “What you have is pathetic.”

She shrugged. “Least I can come and go as I please.”

Storm clouds moved across his expression. “It appears there’s no changing your mind.”

“Finally, we’re getting somewhere.”

He nodded. “Well, then, I recommend you enjoy what’s left of your happiness. Once you walk out that door, I’ll consider you one of them. And I’m coming after them with everything I have, Kelsie, mark my words.”

Her blood ran cold. She tried to swallow, but her throat dried up, making it impossible.

It’d be easy to buckle under her father’s fierce stare and harsh words. How many times had she caved throughout her childhood? But she thought of Ty and how he believed in her and cared for her. He’d given her so much just by being himself. He’d infused her with his strength and bravery. He supported her choices and celebrated her wins. Kelsie squared her shoulders and stared her father directly in the eye. Thankfully, he couldn’t see beneath her skin to the anxiety simmering beneath the surface.

A flickering in her periphery caught her attention. She skirted her gaze for the briefest of seconds. The computer screen had darkened.

She sucked in a sharp breath.

They’d done it.

Time to get the hell out of there.

She focused back on her father. “Don’t bother waiting until I walk out the door. Think of me as one of them right now. I’d consider it an honor.”

“You’re making a huge mistake.”

Her gaze drifted to the window where Ty stood, legs spread and arms folded across the chest she loved to fall asleep on. Nothing about his posture or expression revealed a hint of what he’d done.

Kelsie smiled at him. Her heart still thrummed with the aftereffects of being on high alert. “No. No, I’m not.” She turned to her father. “No matter what happens next, I’ll never consider walking away a mistake.”

Her father shook his head. “May the best Carver win.”

“Oh, I plan to.”


KELSIE WALKED TOWARD him with her head held high and shoulders back like a damn model owning the runway in those tiny denim shorts and the fitted top that revealed just a hint of skin at her waistline.

How the hell was he supposed to keep from getting hard?

It wasn’t possible, so right there in front of her father and the man drilling holes in the back of Ty’s head with his pissed-off glare, he got the boner to end all boners. The second they returned to their motel, he was ripping her out of those sinful fucking shorts and getting his mouth on her pussy. The only thing that would slake his rampant lust was her loud moan of pleasure as he ate her out.

Fuck, she needed to walk faster.

He reached down to his hard cock.

Kelsie’s eyes flared as he adjusted himself. They stayed wide and darkened with a need that matched his own.
