Page 89 of Ty

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He could stay there for the rest of the day, buried inside her, holding her, loving her. “What on earth are you thanking me for?”

“The moment you carried me out of captivity months ago, my life changed for the better. And not just because you rescued me from hell, but because you came into my life. I feel safe with you. Safe enough to give you my body and my heart.”

She pressed her hand to the left side of his chest. His heart skipped a beat beneath her palm as though excited to be connected to her.

“I couldn’t be this way with any other man. I can feel that in my soul. It’s you, Ty. Only you.”

Christ. He rested his forehead against hers as he inhaled, breathing her in. “You fucking humble me, Kelsie. I don’t deserve half of what you give me, but fuck, I’m never letting you go now. You have me forever.”

He kissed the happy smile right off her face. They didn’t speak again. It wasn’t necessary. Their bodies spoke for them, coming together like he never had. Despite their histories and differences, he connected with Kelsie on every level.

And he’d do everything in his power to keep it that way.



WARM LIPS COASTED over her shoulder and up her neck. Shivers raced down her spine with each arousing kiss. Her brain registered the pleasure before it fully awoke.

“Mmm, Ty?” She blinked against the sharp glare of the early morning light.

“I’ll fucking kill any other man who tries to touch you like this.” He continued attacking her neck with the kind of kisses that made her want him inside her, even after he’d spent most of the night that way.

“I like that,” she said, arching her neck to give him more skin to access.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, it makes me feel safe knowing you’d go so far to protect me.”

He captured her earlobe between his teeth and then growled. “You’re sexy when you’re bloodthirsty.”

Kelsie laughed. She felt so good right then—warm, soft, sleepy, and so damn happy.

“Sorry I’m waking you so early. I have to head to work already so I can get some inventory done before we open. Didn’t want you to worry if you woke, and I wasn’t here.”

“I don’t mind.” She rolled to her back and stared up at his sleep-creased face. “I’d rather be awake with you than sleeping.”

He smoothed her bed-crazy hair out of her face. “You’re too fucking sweet for me.”

“It’s all the orgasms. They sugar me up.” She waggled her eyebrows. With each passing day, she grew more and more comfortable with her sexuality. It felt wonderful to make jokes, tease, talk dirty, and demand he fuck her when she needed him. She owed her newfound confidence to him and how secure he made her feel.

Ty laughed. “Then I guess I’ll keep them coming. Pardon the pun.”

With a roll of her eyes, Kelsie chuckled. “Let me make you some coffee while you shower.”

“See, too sweet? Don’t get up, baby. I’m a big boy and can make my own coffee.”

A sudden bout of shyness had her lowering her gaze from his face to his tattooed chest. “I want to. One of my favorite parts of the day is waking up and having coffee together.” They typically sat in his backyard, tangled up on a lounge chair, kissing, touching, and sharing a huge mug of coffee as they absorbed the morning’s peace.

Whether it was Ty’s age or his inherent personality, she loved how he spent his free time simply and quietly. Aside from going to the clubhouse, which did get quite rowdy, Ty preferred to spend his downtime at home, relaxing. The few times in the past Kelsie tried dating men her age, they had wanted to go to clubs, bars, parties, and spend time out in public with crowds.

Kelsie lived a quiet life for so many years as she tried to stay off her father’s and the media’s radar. Some might expect she’d be ready to burst out of her shell and make up for lost time, but after the kidnapping and trauma she went through, she was more than happy to spend her evenings with Ty in his home. In the week and a half since they’d fled her father’s house, they’d cooked, used his hot tub nearly every night, sat in front of the fire, and enjoyed the peace of each other’s company.

She couldn’t be happier and made sure to shut down Ty’s concerns the few times he’d wondered if she’d grow bored with her older man, ol’ man.

It would never happen.

“Well then, thank you.” He kissed her before climbing out of bed. “Feel free to make it extra sweet like you like it. It’s growing on me.” He winked and then disappeared into the bathroom. His jaw dropped the first time he watched her dump a pound of sugar and a gallon of creamer into her coffee, but he’d still shared it instead of making his own. He’d claimed he’d take a few cavities to drink from her cup.
