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“I will, but there are a few things I need to nail down before I do. We need to talk, and then I need to call Delia.”

Her grandma nodded. “All right. I’ll make some coffee, and we’ll talk.”

“Lucy should be here in a bit with goodies. We’re going to need her, too.”

Then she’d find Jack, tell him how she felt, and, for the first time in her life, take a risk.



Yawning, Jack made his way out of his childhood bedroom and into the kitchen for coffee. In his thirty-two years, there hadn’t been a day that that coffee maker wasn’t hissing right on the dot at seven in the morning. Through the window, pink, purple, and gold hues bloomed along the horizon. He’d stayed at his parents’ house the night before because they were riding together to the venue. It seemed stupid to wake up early just to drive to the house when he could get a few more minutes of shut-eye.

Booker and Ruger would head to the kitchen as soon as they smelled bacon.

Ethan lumbered into the kitchen, yawning as he ran a hand over his head. “I’m surprised to see you up this early.” He yawned a second time.

“Eh, I gave up after a while. Just been lying in bed until it was seven, and I knew the coffee was programmed to be done.” He chuckled.

His brother sidled next to him, waiting for his turn at the coffee maker.

“Sit, I’ll bring it to you,” Jack said.

With a shrug, Ethan took a seat at the table and propped his feet in the adjacent chair. “I can’t believe I’m getting married.”

Jack glanced at him from over his shoulder. “Well, you better believe it. You ready?”

Nodding, his brother replied, “Absolutely.”

“No doubts at all, huh?” He picked up the cups filled with brew and slid his brother’s cup in front of him before taking his seat.

“No. She’s the one.”

“What did she think of you getting that teaching job in California?”

Ethan took a tentative sip of his coffee. He sat up, pulled the sugar container closer, and tossed two more rounded spoonfuls in. “Now, it’s drinkable. I don’t know how you and Dad drink coffee so strong it can give you a left hook.” He took another drink. “She likes that I’ll have something to do while she’s filming. Teaching remotely will be an experience, but I agree with her. I think I would have been bored out of my mind if I didn’t have something to do.”

They sat in companionable silence while they drank their coffee.

Of course, the moment there was nothing competing for his thoughts, they were right back where they’d been since the day before, Jo.

He’d debated over and over about what to do about her. He also wondered if there’d be tension between them and if it would spill over into the wedding. Perhaps she’d just outright avoid him. He certainly didn’t want any argument between them to flare up and ruin his brother’s wedding. Whatever it took, he’d make sure that didn’t happen.

“Still thinking about Jo, huh?”

“There’s nothing to think about. She made it clear that she was done. I wish it weren’t, but I don’t think I can do anything other than honor her wishes.”

“I’m sorry.”

He shrugged. “Nothing for you to be sorry for. It’s just the way things worked out. It’s my own fault for getting my hopes up or…” He’d yet to say what his heart had declared days ago.

“Loving her?”

Jack jerked his head up, meeting his brother’s gaze.

“It’s pretty obvious. Honestly, with the way she looked at you, I’d say she feels the same way.”

“Clearly, that’s not true.”
