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His heart and his mind, finally having found the same page, brought Jo to mind. He knew it wasn’t possible, but maybe someone was listening, and their story wouldn’t over. It would just be… to be continued.

Jack sure hoped so because when he pictured his future, the photograph had Jo beside him.



Jo’s pulse had yet to return to normal. She’d seen Jack in a tux before. She’d been on the school yearbook committee and had access to the senior prom pictures. Young Jack looked great. Mature Jack looked like one of the tux models from Eternal Vows, only better because he was a great guy with a great heart.

When he’d started to look away, she’d quickly snapped a photo. It was a good one, too, with light pink blanketing his face and the bashful smile. He made her heart speed up, skip a beat, and flutter in quick succession.

Since her chat with Lucy and her grandma, she’d done plenty of thinking and backed it up with action. The amount of concealer she’d used that morning was a testament to the sleepless night. She’d spoken to her grandma, and they’d come up with a plan for the house. A plan she needed to discuss with Jack, but she’d been slow getting started that morning, and by the time she made it to the venue, she was too busy to really chat. Plus, there was more to discuss than just Stewart Mansion.

While she desperately wanted to talk to Jack, it wasn’t fair to Serenity if she didn’t have Jo’s full focus. Looking around, she realized that she was too caught up in her own thoughts to check out the venue. She’d known it was ultra rustic, but this was basically a gazebo made from the skeleton of a barn. In the distance, a large white tent was set up for the reception. Overall, it wasn’t horrible, but after the planning session with her grandma the night before, there was no way a bride would choose this place over Stewart Mansion. At least, not when they got done with the renovations.

Much like the night before, her mind lit up with thoughts and ideas, directions they could take to make Wishing Well a wedding destination. With the acreage, they could grow, too. Beyond…

A voice cut through her thoughts, and she jerked her head around, looking for the source. Delia? Jo’s breathing caught. Arianna Carter as well with camera in hand as if she’d already been out photographing. Then she noticed the two large expensive cameras on tripods pointed toward the front of the venue. But…Jo was supposed to submit photos. What was the point if Arianna was taking pictures?

She excused herself from the small group that had gathered around her and weaved through the crowd.

As she approached, her boss smiled. “Jo, you found me before I could find you.”

“Hi,” Jo replied, looking from Delia to Bridget to Arianna. “Hi.” To her own ears, she sounded confused, bewildered, and caught off guard, even a little mousy. “What?—”

“I couldn’t miss Serenity Harper’s wedding,” Delia replied. “Since I was invited and Arianna is taking the photos, I thought, why not take a little vacation time and visit Wishing Well before it’s a major wedding hot spot?

Jo stared at her, trying to get her brain to catch up. “Taking photos…” She caught Bridget’s gaze and then quickly moved back to Delia.

“Well, yes, I am the magazine’s wedding photographer. Who else would take these photos?” Arianna waved her hand around the room. “The lighting isn’t great, but I’ll make it work.”

Before Jo could question anything, music began playing, and the remaining guests who were standing took their seats. She stepped back, staying on the outskirts so she could photograph. It seemed pointless, but she’d told Serenity that she’d take photos, and she wasn’t one to go back on her word.

The ceremony was traditional and sweet. Ethan walked the aisle, and then his groomsmen escorted the moms and Serenity’s aunt. The bridesmaids and maid of honor were gorgeous, and the adorable flower girl, Zoey’s little girl, followed by the ring bearer, Serenity’s aunt’s grandson.

Serenity was beautiful, which was a given. She was a star for a reason. The dress she’d picked fit her perfectly and was a combination of soft silk and lace with a sweetheart neckline.

Jo caught the moment Ethan saw Serenity—the look of pure joy and love on his face. Jo even snapped a photo of him with tears in his eyes. The vows, the kiss, and the announcement of Mr. and Mrs. Turner—Serenity would keep Harper as a stage name, but legally, she’d be Serenity Turner.

For just a heartbeat, Jo pictured herself holding hands with Jack and hearing the words Mrs. Turner. That’s if he could forgive her for being stupid. Even then, maybe her feelings were one-sided. She didn’t think they were, but that was where the risk came in… she wasn’t sure.

Her first order of business was Delia now that the ceremony was over. Jo squatted and put her camera in the bag, straightened, and lifted on her toes, craning her neck. She quickly found Delia and Bridget. The two women smiled, and they began walking toward Jo.

“Hey, Delia. I was hoping we could talk a minute,” Jo said quickly glancing at Bridget.

Bridget thumbed over her shoulder to the tent. “I think I’ll go find our table.” She winked and left Jo alone with Delia.

“Sure.” She smiled. “I need to talk to you too. I have exciting news.”

Exciting news for her or Jo. If she were betting, she wouldn’t bet on herself.

They made their way through the crowd, aiming for a spot outside the venue, away from anyone who might overhear the conversation.

“So, what is it you wanted to talk about?” Delia asked.

Jo set her camera down by her feet. “Why don’t you go first?”

Delia’s face lit up. “The pages you sent were fantastic. I cannot wait to read the entire article. You are in such high demand that we’re getting calls from brides as far out as two years. I…”
