Page 13 of Wrath

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“Greta, I need you to do me a favor and not disclose how I survived with anyone, including Antonio,” I say, needing her complete discretion. It’s a precaution I must take in order to ensure my plan is executed perfectly. Without knowing who I can trust, I must implement a few safety protocols.

“You know you can count on me, Liliana,” she responds, sadness filling her eyes as she looks around the big, empty space, void of life. “I can’t believe Mr. Beneventi would do this to an entire family. It must’ve been sickening to watch your family perish in that manner,” she consoled, sadness lacing her tone.

“That day still haunts my dreams and each year that my birthday arrives, I’m not sure I’ll be able to celebrate,” I lamented as the horrid images from that day flash through my mind.

“Mark my words my darling, there will come a day where you’ll smile at the memories of your family,” she comforted as tears welled up in my eyes.

During our conversation, I revealed my intentions to annihilate the Beneventi clan. She in turn understood that I am my father’s child and if it were him that survived, this would be the course of action to take. Just as Antonio and I are about to leave, Greta pulls me into a tight hug.

“Please be safe Lili.”

“Don’t worry, Greta, I will. You should get some rest after your long flight. I’ll be back in a few hours,” I reassure her, giving her one more hug.

Closing the French doors behind us, Antonio and I make our way toward the back gate to the last gift I will every receive from my parents. Before the day’s festivities began, they presented me with keys to a brand new, black Range Rover. My father had it equipped with bullet proof windows and side panels. He wasn’t pleased with me wanting to drive myself but I didn’t like being escorted everywhere.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do Liliana,” Antonio asks, pausing before entering the vehicle.

“You already know the answer, Antonio,” I reply, starting the engine. With a final glance, he gets in and closes the door. “Never question me again, understood?” I say through clenched teeth, eyes fixed on the road.

“Yes ma’am,” he replies, staring at me for a long moment before looking away. The plan has been discussed thoroughly, and there's no turning back now. Beneventi and his goons think they've escaped after destroying my family. Tonight, they'll realize they failed.

The streets are deserted at this hour and all is quiet as we park in the vacant lot about a mile from Tomas’s residence. Checking my ammunition and securing my vest, I review the plan once more, ensuring that we’ve covered all of our bases. The woods leading up to the property provide the perfect cover as we move closer to the house. Antonio easily takes out the first guard and I aim at the second. Moving around back, Antonio slips through the basement window and disables the alarm. Adrenaline rushes through my veins as I make my way up the stairs to the master bedroom.

I quietly enter the room, taking note of a chair that sits by the window. Slowly walking to the other side of the bed, I move the chair closer and take a seat. Sitting here staring at the first victim of my wrath brings me sweet relief. Tomas Sorvino, who assisted in assassinating my entire family, looks peaceful, oblivious to his impending death. I’m going to especially enjoy eliminating him because he shot my baby sister in her back as she screamed my name. He showed no mercy to her that day and he needs to suffer that same fate.

Rising from the chair, I turn on the bedside lamp and slowly peel back the covers careful not to wake him. I need to send a message that these assholes fucked with the wrong family and will pay with their lives. Climbing on the bed, I straddle him, pinning his arms under my knees. His eyes fly open in shock, rapidly blinking in confusion. He tries to struggle and flip me over, but I take my hunting knife and bury it deep into his shoulder. He releases a guttural scream, pain ripping through him as I twist my knife, tearing through muscle and tendons. He’s going to feel every bit of this the same way I felt watching bullets tear through the bodies of my family.

The color drains from Tomas’s face, his neck veins pulsating like thunder beneath his skin. He stares at me as if I were a ghost, struggling to take in air as if he’s suffocating.

“How … how did you get in here? You’re suppose … supposed to be dead,” he stutters, trembling uncontrollably.

“I am dead, Tomas. Sweet Lili is no more, thanks to your boss’s actions that brought hell upon my family,” I reply coldly.

“You don’t want to do this. Carlo will come for you and make sure you don’t get away with this,” he sputters, closing his eyes tightly as I retract my knife.

“Poor, pitiful, Tomas. He may try, but the entire Beneventi clan will meet their end by my hands. Don't worry, I'll make it swift," I assert.

He struggles to speak as blood flows from his wound. This pathetic excuse of a man doesn’t deserve my mercy or explanations. He will serve as my warning to the Beneventi family that I’m coming for them. With one swift motion, I draw my blade across his neck, watching as life drains from his eyes. His stare mirrors that of my sister Alexandria in her final moments, etching a harrowing memory in my mind. Climbing off the bed, I dip my finger in his blood, marking my name upon his chest. When they discover his body, the Beneventi family will know I'm coming for them, bold and unafraid. No shadows, no hiding – they'll face their reckoning, one by one.

“We need to get out of here,” Antonio declares, positioned at the doorway, the stench of death already permeating throughout the space. Glancing back at Tomas’s lifeless body, a feeling of tranquility envelops me as I leave the room. I envision being a bystander when Carlo discovers my survival and a satisfying grin stretches across my face. Regardless of his readiness for me, my plan for vengeance has been set into motion, and his death is inevitable.



One week later

Sitting in the kitchen, sipping coffee feels surreal. Every corner of my home serves as a poignant reminder of my family and the profound loss I've endured. Greta accidentally prepared a lavish breakfast for more than just the two of us. Upon realizing she cooked too much food and knowing it would go to waste, a surge of emotions welled up inside her. We held onto each other as tears streamed down our faces. Even though two months have passed, the pain of the loss remains fresh, and tears are likely to flow at any given time. Presently, three members of the Beneventi clan have met their demise, and Carlo has enacted strict measures to safeguard his family, but he clearly underestimated me.

Edoardo, a Beneventi soldier, had taken Bianca Beneventi to her favorite club to party with her friends. As Carlo’s only daughter, she was his pride and joy. Whatever she wanted, he gave it to her, no questions asked. After Tomas’s body was discovered, I thought Carlo would’ve locked down his compound, forbidding anyone to leave, but that wasn’t the case. As Antonio and I were surveilling Carlo's compound, we noticed a black sedan leaving the property, prompting us to tail it downtown. As the car went down an alley behind Cuvee, an elite club in Chicago, we parked in a parking deck on the next block.

Adrenaline coursed through me as we moved to the far end of the alley. Watching from a distance, I observed Edoardo smoking by the car while Bianca entered the club. Nico had told me tales about his stepsister's wild partying habits, which had always been a source of concern for Carlo's security. She had a reputation for being reckless and boasting about her mafia connections. Tonight, that connection will be her downfall and I relished the thought of it, seeing it as a form of payback for Alexandria’s death.

Edoardo was swiftly subdued as Antonio crept up on him from behind and broke his neck. After moving his body to the car and placing him in the driver's seat, I instructed Antonio to wait for me in our vehicle, needing some time alone with Bianca. Initially hesitant, Antonio ultimately did as I instructed and left the alley. Settling into the back seat, I anticipated Bianca's return, which surprisingly did not take long.

“You can’t throw me out!” Bianca shouts at the bouncer holding the door open.

“We don't want any trouble here tonight, Bianca,” he says, guiding her by the arm toward the car. I discreetly position myself in the far corner, ensuring she doesn’t spot me as he opens the door.
