Page 18 of Wrath

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“This is the first time I've truly felt anything,” I whimper, my words stifled by tears. “I never had the chance to grieve for them,” I sob, the weight of reality crashing down on me. “My family is gone, Nico. I'll never see them again,” I cry, tears streaming freely as he holds me close.

“I am so sorry Carlo did this to you, baby,” Nico soothes, as I burrow into his chest. “I understand there are no words to ease your pain, but I'm here for you, whatever you need,” he reassures, planting a tender kiss on the top of my head.

He cradles me for a moment longer, allowing me to come to terms with my grief caused by the callous actions of a selfish, greedy bastard. I want Carlo to bear the same anguish I am experiencing, watching the vengeance I’ll continue to unleash on his family. Interrupting my thoughts, Nico once again envelops me in his warmth, promising that tomorrow will come soon enough, but for tonight, I belong to him.



Awakening to the inviting scents of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon, I emerge from what has been the most rejuvenating sleep I’ve had in months. Despite every muscle in my body feeling pleasantly sore, I’m ready for more. Reaching over, I find the space beside me empty, the sheets cool under my touch.

Softly, the door creaks open at the moment I contemplate going to find Nico. “Good morning, sleepyhead,” he playfully greets, approaching the bed with a breakfast tray in hand. “Greta whipped up some ricotta pancakes and bacon. And I made the coffee,” he adds, his smile warm as he motions for me to sit up. I don't have to meet with the other families until this afternoon, so there is plenty of time for pancakes.

“It smells wonderful,” I say, my stomach rumbling with anticipation.

Arranging the pillows, he stands by the bed while I straighten the covers, settling back against the headboard. Placing the tray on my lap, Nico sits beside me, observing as I peruse the morning meal. My gaze locks onto a shimmering ring placed delicately atop the folded cloth napkin beside a glass of orange juice, a gleam of surprise dancing in my eyes. Emotion clogs my throat, tears blur my vision as I recognize the ring I thought was lost forever. When I believed Nico had betrayed me, the absence of the ring when I regained consciousness was inconsequential. After everything that’s happened it means everything.

“Lili, a part of me died the day I thought I lost you. I can never bring your family back, no matter how much I wish I could,” he empathizes, lifting the ring and tenderly clasping my hand. “But what I can promise is that you won't have to face this life alone. I'll be there to dry your tears and offer comfort when the weight of your family’s memories becomes too heavy,” he continues, his words unleashing a flood of emotion down my cheeks.

“You were a different woman when I first proposed, but I've fallen even more deeply in love with the person you've become. Will you marry me…still?”

A sense of warmth fills my chest as Nico slides the ring onto my finger. Overwhelmed with emotion, my words fail me, so I simply nod yes. Planting a tender kiss on my lips, he lifts the tray from my lap and places it on the desk. Returning to bed, we spend the morning making love, affirming our love and devotion to each other.

* * *

The Moretti, Leoni, and Sorrento families agreed to my proposal after reviewing the video evidence of Carlo's and Antonio's treachery. While I inquired out of courtesy, I was ready to assert my dominance if need be; ultimately, they had no say in the final decision. Don Leoni initially hesitated to endorse my leadership over not just the Northwest territory, but also as the most powerful figure among the families. My age was a factor, however, the unparalleled legacy left by my father, coupled with our exclusive connection in Russia that only recognizes the Rinaldi family, solidified my position. This issue has long plagued Carlo, leading him to seek dealings with the Colombian Cartel - a decision that only brought unwanted trouble upon us.

The FBI and DEA have taken a keen interest in the Colombians, a development that Carlo's actions inadvertently brought upon Chicago, placing us under their surveillance. Despite my resentment towards the lifelong training for this role, I now understand its necessity and importance. I only wish that my father had been alive and able to continue leading, sparing me the premature succession that I’ve undertaken. Don Moretti, a close ally of my father, will provide guidance on aspects that I may have missed due to my time away at school or my young age. With a longstanding friendship with my father, he willingly supports me in transitioning into my new position.

“How can we be certain that Domenico Beneventi won't follow in his father's footsteps?” Don Leoni inquired, a valid concern given the circumstances. Despite being Carlo's son, Nico and his father shared no genuine bond.

“Carlo was never a parental figure to me,” Nico interjected. “Furthermore, why would I betray him and provide evidence to Liliana?”

“Perhaps for personal gain,” Don Sorrento commented. “Even though you're not a true Beneventi by blood, control of the Southwest territory would fall to you.”

“I have no interest in assuming leadership in the Southwest,” Nico clarified. “My role is to support Liliana and operate under her guidance in whatever capacity she deems necessary.” Nico's unwavering gaze remained fixed on me.

The Dons acknowledged that our connection extended beyond a professional relationship, a vital element of the proposal that they had to accept. Nico has been incredibly supportive and understands that our personal relationship must not impede my business decisions or influence the other families. Lastly, the Dons unanimously concurred that seeking revenge for my family was the most appropriate course of action, especially given the threats to their own families, pledging not to stand in my way of handling the situation.

After yesterday's meeting concluded, I reached out to Antonio to inform him that the location for the meeting had been changed from my compound to the safe house, and that I would be arriving early. Unbeknownst to him, I’m going there to slit his throat. Nico and Frankie will arrive a few minutes after me, entering through the back door while I keep Antonio occupied.

Upon arriving at the house, I pull up next to Antonio's car and take a moment to quell my rising anger. The video replayed in my mind during the drive, intensifying the fury within me. Antonio, a true deceiver, had once given my father no reason to doubt him, yet he had been conniving with our enemy all along. Climbing the stairs, I unlock the door with my key. Antonio rises from the couch, welcoming me with a hug. Fucking traitor!

“Why the change of venue for the meeting?” He inquires, planting a kiss on my cheek.

“Greta is still very sensitive about recent events, and having all the Dons at the compound would be too much for her to handle,” I explain.

“Understandable,” he acknowledges. “It's still a fresh wound for me, too. I've often found myself reaching for the phone to call your father, only to remember that I'll never hear his voice again,” he murmurs, a tinge of fake sadness in his sigh. I have never felt such intense hatred towards anyone before. My composure is faltering, and it's time to set my plan in motion.

“By the way, I've come to a decision regarding your proposal.”

“You have?” He queries, visibly surprised, as we settle onto the couch.

“After much contemplation, it's become evident that a union between us is the logical choice. You have stood by my side, offering your unwavering support, and aiding in my pursuit to avenge my family's massacre,” I articulate, straddling his lap. “We both know that the other Dons will never accept me as the leader of the Northwest territory. However, with you as my husband, they would have no choice but to recognize my authority,” I continue, leaning in to kiss him. His hands caress my thighs, while I reach for my knife, concealed in its sheath at the small of my back. “So, my answer is…” my words trail off as Antonio's voice echoes through the room as I press the blade against his throat.

Nico enters the room, the incriminating video playing loudly and clearly for Antonio to see. My blade hovers at his jugular, poised to slash through at the slightest movement. Frankie stands beside Nico, clad in dark coveralls, prepared to erase any evidence of this traitorous asshole being here.

“I can explain, Lili…”
