Page 19 of Wrath

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“How could you betray my father like this,” I seethe, cutting off his words with disdain. There is nothing he could say to justify his heinous actions. “You not only robbed me of my entire family, but you also devised a plan to, how did you put it, finish the job!” I mock, throwing his words back in his face.

“Please, Liliana, you don't have to do this. I'll disappear from town, and you'll never have to lay eyes on me again,” he pleads, desperation evident in his voice.

“I'm sorry, Antonio, but that is not enough for me. Letting you live, knowing that you’re still breathing, will fuck with my mentality, and I’m not willing to allow that,” I sneer, the impulse to unleash my fury on him tingles beneath my skin. “Luca and Alexandria referred to you as 'Uncle Tony.' You were a part of their lives from the moment they were born, and we all placed our trust in you,” I choke out, memories of my beloved family surfacing and mingling with my anger. It was a fatal mistake.

Before I can comprehend his movements, Antonio seizes my wrist, wrenching the knife free from my grasp. With a swift motion, he grabs my throat, hurling me off his lap and onto the floor. My head crashes against the hard surface as he lunges toward me, wrapping both hands around my neck in a merciless grip. My strength falters as I struggle to fight him off. His relentless hold on my neck impedes me to fight him off. With his focus entirely on killing me, he forgot that Nico and Frankie were standing nearby, watching his every move.

Antonio tumbles to the side, crashing onto the floor after a single bullet pierces his temple, shattering his brain. Nico quickly comes to my aid, scooping me up from the ground and holding me close as I struggle to breathe through coughs and gags.

“Are you okay, Lili?” He asks, helping me stand as he checks my throat for any potential injuries. I can feel the bruises beginning to form, despite my nod of confirmation, and I continue to cough from the soreness in my throat. Were it not for Nico's swift action in subduing Antonio, my windpipe could have been crushed.

Frankie grabs his duffle as I retrieve my knife from the floor. He lays out the tarp, puts on his gloves and mask and that’s our cue to leave. Every remnant of Antonio’s existence will be eradicated from my world, instilling a sense of tranquility. Yet, my mission remains unfinished until Carlo and the entire Beneventi clan have met their end.



As I sit in my father's chair in his office, I sense his energy empowering me to become a strong and effective leader. It has been a week since Antonio's passing. The scratchiness in my throat is finally subsiding, and the bruises are fading to a light green hue. This is the first time during this quest that my grief caused a moment of weakness that could’ve gotten me killed. Antonio's brief moment of overpowering me left me stunned and if Nico hadn’t been there, my mission would have ended. Frankie has been diligently monitoring Salvatore, noting his daily routines. Nico has chosen not to join me on my visit to Salvatore's home. Despite their strained relationship, Nico still considers Salvatore his brother. However, he understands that regardless of his support, I am committed to completing my mission to avenge my family.

Just over a week ago, I was convinced Nico had betrayed me. However, since becoming a Don, he has declared his allegiance to me in front of the other families. Despite my feelings for him and desire to have him by my side, I will not hesitate to eliminate him if he gets in my way. Although we have recently reunited, I am no longer the same Liliana he once loved. He recognizes that as a Don, I will be required to make difficult choices and prioritize the organization above all else. While I prepare to eliminate Salvatore, Nico is busy getting ready for what we have in store for Carlo. Unaware of Antonio's demise, he continues to message his phone, inquiring about the timing of my supposed death.

I’ve been responding to his texts, deliberately keeping details about the plan vague and suggesting that he hasn't succeeded in taking me out yet. It has been entertaining playing the part of Antonio and witnessing Carlo's frustration as his scheme unravels. Based on his recent message, he has been residing at his safe house while Mia has been at the compound. He is oblivious to the fact that he has inadvertently revealed the whereabouts of the remaining Beneventis to me. It is this kind of incompetence that hindered his advancement in our world. He lacks genuine leadership qualities, engaging in shady deals that resulted in casualties that my father had to rectify. His actions distorted the vision set by my father and the other Dons for the Chicago mafia. Due to his actions, we had to halt several shipments until the FBI ceased their investigations. Thanks to Don Moretti, we are finally regaining control.

As I’m heading into the concealed weapons room, my phone alerts me to a text message. Glancing at the screen, I see that it’s from Frankie.

Frankie: Hey, Salvatore has just arrived at his residence, accompanied by a woman.

Me: She will be considered collateral damage as far as I’m concerned.

Frankie: You know I support you, Lili, but the woman is blameless. She may simply be a one-night fling he picked up.

Me: She is not entirely innocent if she’s fucking with Salvatore Beneventi. See you soon.

Salvatore is a formidable figure, making it unwise to engage in hand-to-hand combat with him. His size and strength could easily overpower me, and given my previous injuries, I cannot afford to take any risks. In this particular mission, using my knife is not a viable option, and it is best for me to maintain distance from him. While Salvatore was following his father's orders, he callously executed my grandparents without hesitation. His brutal actions demand retribution, and I am determined to ensure he dies for his actions. The memories of that tragic moment ignite a blazing fury within me, casting a shadow over my mood. Retrieving the long-range rifle from its position, I carefully secure it in a carrying case before informing Greta that I am leaving.

* * *

Salvatore's house is situated in a quiet suburb on the outskirts of the city. He naively thought that I would not uncover his whereabouts, but as Frankie has informed me, he is not intimidated by anyone and claims to be prepared for when I come for him. This mindset is a common downfall of the Beneventis. They operated under the delusion of being invincible, a belief I have since disproven. Nico recounted tales to me of Carlo allowing Salvatore to mistreat him and threatening him with dire consequences if he dared to defend himself. It is another illustration of Salvatore blindly obeying his father's orders, consequences be damned.

Although not the most favorable location, the treehouse in the front yard next to Salvatore's residence offers me an advantageous vantage point to eliminate him swiftly and easily. Frankie searched the property for a secluded spot that provided darkness and an unobstructed view. The occupants of the house were absent, so this makeshift perch would suffice. As I began arranging the rifle and scope, the front door suddenly opens, and the woman mentioned by Frankie emerges, visibly disoriented from either alcohol or drugs.

“Get this bitch off of my property!” Salvatore orders, thrusting the helpless woman towards one of the two men positioned at the base of the stairs. Luckily, there are only three steps, and the guy manages to catch her before she falls flat on the ground.

“Typical Sal,” Frankie comments in disgust.

“What do you mean by 'typical Sal'?” I inquire, my interest piqued even though I truly don’t give a fuck. I’m just biding my time until we set our plan in motion and I end this sack of shit’s life.

“He treats women like they’re human garbage once he's finished using them. They gravitate toward him like flies to shit, only to realize his true nature when he kicks them out,” Frankie explains. “I’ve never seen one this drunk though,” he adds.

“Perhaps I'll put three bullets in him. Two for my grandparents and one for this unfortunate girl, who will wake up tomorrow unaware of what transpired,” I suggest coldly.

“Remind me to never get on your bad side,” he laughs.

As Salvatore slams the door, the men escort the woman to a car waiting at the foot of the driveway just inside the gate. The driver taking her home should consider himself fortunate, as he won't meet his end tonight. Ensuring my scope is positioned correctly, I patiently await for the second guard to enter my line of sight. Upon firing the initial shot, Frankie swiftly springs into action, scaling the wall between the properties as the first target falls. Dragging the man's body to the side of the house, I take my second shot, puncturing the rear tire of the Porsche 911 parked near the three-car garage. The blaring alarm successfully lures Salvatore out of the house.

Spewing a string of profanities, he strides towards the car, pressing the fob to silence the blaring alarm. Baffled, he surveys his surroundings, only to be caught off guard as Frankie emerges from the side of the house in his overalls, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. Realizing this is a setup, he makes a desperate sprint towards the house, but his efforts are in vain. I discharge three consecutive shots, each hitting him squarely in the back of his head. Salvatore crashes to the ground near the stairs as I remove the silencer and disassemble my weapon. I revel in observing the blood spread beneath him, mirroring the scene with my grandparents when he took their lives.

Frankie sets down his duffle bag near the garage and approaches Salvatore. After laying out a tarp, he rolls Salvatore's body onto it and proceeds to drag it towards the garage, vanishing from sight. Descending from the tree, I cross the yard and make my way out through the front gate. The neighborhood remains tranquil as I stroll down the street towards my awaiting car. As my mission draws to a close, I anticipate finding closure, knowing that I have avenged my family's deaths and upheld their honor. Nico and I can now plan for our future, determining our path on our own terms. For years, I have yearned for autonomy in my life, but not at the expense of my family's lives being taken. With another Beneventi eliminated, only two remain...
