Page 21 of Wrath

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“I’m sorry, Nico, but I cannot rest until every Beneventi is dead,” I sorely admit, tears welling in my eyes as I slowly back away, being careful not to fall.

“Wait, what are you talking about? Carlo was the last of …” his sentence remains unfinished, comprehension hitting him like a bolt of lightning.

“Lili, please, you don't have to do this,” he pleads, his words, laced with the depth of what I’m about to do.

“I’m truly sorry, Nico,” I cry, activating the taser, tears cascading down my cheeks as he hits the ground. Just as my mother perished, Mia Beneventi must meet the same fate. It is only through her demise that I can have the closure I need to move forward.

Hurrying to the garage, I take Carlo’s keys from my pocket, and hit the fob. Racing down the driveway, I drum my fingers on the wheel, going over my final plan, while the gate slowly opens. The Beneventi compound is approximately thirty minutes from this location, giving an ample head start before Nico catches up to me. While he still remained conscious, the shock from the taser left him incapacitated. Despite the anguish it will cause him, I remain steadfast in pursuing the closure I desperately seek. Unlike Nico, my family was my life, setting my grief distinctly apart from his. This was the plan from the beginning and I won’t allow anything or anyone to stop me.

* * *

Arriving at the Beneventi compound, I check Carlo’s console and find the pass key that unlocks the gate. The path leading up the drive is shrouded in darkness, the moon's eerie glow casting unsettling shadows across the expansive yard. Double-checking the clasp on my ankle sheath, I ensure that my knife is securely in place. Unzipping the duffle bag, I retrieve my gun and affix the silencer. From what Nico has shared with me, Mrs. Beneventi has always refused to have guards lurking around, patrolling the grounds, however she agreed to have two stationed downstairs away from the family wing. Upon reflection, my father had consistently cautioned Nico and me against divulging personal information about our families, as it could be a matter of life or death. Being aware that there are only two guards in the house will ensure a smooth operation.

Breaking the glass panel by the door, I reach inside to unlock the entrance, triggering the alarm. Quickly slipping inside, I watch as two burly guards come running toward the door to see what’s going on. With a single, fatal shot to the forehead, the first guard falls. Pointing my gun at the remaining one, I order him to put down his weapon and approach me slowly. Aiming the barrel at his temple, I instruct him to silence the alarm. Mindful of the difference in our physical statures, I maintain a safe distance, prepared for any potential attack. The house goes quiet when the guard enters the code and I fire my weapon, ending his life.

As the lights illuminate the room, I raise my gaze to find Mrs. Beneventi descending the stairs, her eyes filled with sorrow as she observes me. As her cell phone rings, she retrieves it from the pocket of her silk robe and reassures the security company that it was a false alarm and everything is under control.

“All I ask is for you to finish this quickly, and tell my dearest Nico that I never intended for any of this to happen, and that I love him,” she pleads, tears tracing a path down her beautiful face.

“Before my father passed away, I told him I hated him because he tried to keep me away from Nico. I never had the chance to express my love to him before your husband ended his life with a single bullet,” I admit somberly, memories of that tragic moment clouding my fury.

“Liliana, there is nothing I can say to absolve the sins of my husband. He battles inner demons that consumed his humanity long ago and they led him down a path of self-destruction. Nico deserved a better life than what I gave him, but I have no regrets about adopting him and doing my best to provide him with a brighter future.”

“Carlo is playing with his demons in hell as we speak,” I gloat, recalling his screams of agony. Mia’s eyes shine with fresh tears as the impact of what I said hits her.

“I am deeply sorry for the tragedy of losing your family, and I hope that ending my life brings the closure you need to live in peace,” she expresses, standing before me, prepared to accept her fate.

Her words pierce through me like the knife I wanted to plunge into her heart. A knot tightens in my stomach, tears stream down my face, and my hands fall limply to my sides as a profound weight settles in my chest. A warm presence envelops me in an embrace, offering solace as tears flow freely. This brave woman, holds me in her arms, knowing I was about to take her life. Overwhelmed by an avalanche of emotions, I retreat and run through the open front door.

The abrupt sound of a crash freezes my movements as Nico charges through the gate, barreling up the driveway. My gun slips from my grasp, and I sink to my knees, no longer able to hold myself upright. The tires screech to a halt and within seconds, Nico frantically sprints past me to get to his mother. The physical anguish of losing my family sears through my body, and I wail into the darkness, grieving my unbearable loss. My tears cleanse me, releasing me from the rage that once ravaged my soul and now my family can rest in peace.


Breaking through the door, my stride falters, and I rub my eyes in disbelief. Standing in the middle of the foyer is my mother, her head hung low, tears streaming down her face. Elation floods my heart as I envelop her in a tight hug. I’ve spoken with her on the phone but this is the first time I’ve laid eyes on her since my return from Belize.

“I’m so happy you’re safe, Mother,” I whisper, burying my face in her hair. I love her more than words can express and if Lili had killed her, I doubt I would have ever found it within me to forgive her.

“Yes, Nico, I’m here and I’m safe,” she murmurs softly. “I’m not sure why Lili had a change of heart, but you must go to her, son. She will need you now more than ever.”

“Carlo is dead.”

“I’m aware; Lili informed me and as painful as it is to admit, I feel a sense of relief,” she responds.

“What about Sal and Bianca? They’re dead too.”

“My heart aches, naturally, but I had already lost the both of them to your father's dominion long ago. He drove a wedge between us, and with time, I came to accept their allegiance to him,” she laments, sorrow evident in her voice.

“You should go back to bed now. I will call Frankie to take care of these two,” I suggest, motioning towards the bodies on the floor.

“Thank you, my son. I love you,” she responds, making her way back upstairs.

“I love you too, mom,” I say, feeling a surge of emotion. My mother saved my life when Carlo wanted to leave me for dead. I was born in an alley and if my birth mother had chosen to stay there that fateful day, I wouldn't have survived. I owe everything to Mia Beneventi. She shaped me into the person I am today. It's time for me to repay her. As soon as I can, I will sell this compound and find a new home where my mother can finally feel at peace.

Lili's cries echo in the night as I step back outside. Kneeling beside her, her body instinctively leaning into mine, I meet her in her moment of pain. She has experienced a profound loss and her life will never be the same. Our future plans are now uncertain but I’m sure we will find our way. Tenderly lifting her chin, I kiss her softly, hoping she can feel the depth of my love.

“Lili, I can never replace your family, and I would never try. But I vow to stand by you as you navigate this journey of healing. In moments of overwhelming grief, I will be there to support you. My heart, mind, body, and soul are yours, and I will never leave you,” I promise, reassuring her that she does not have to face this alone.

“A woman’s wrath can only go so far until she reaches her breaking point. Your mother’s love for you shook me out of the darkness and through her, I saw the light at the end of my desolate tunnel. The mafia world brought out the worst in me, but you have seen passed that and accepted me for who I am. I’m grateful for your love and I know with you by my side, I will be okay.”
