Page 147 of Fire & Frenzy

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I entered the apartment and heard the toilet flush. A few minutes later, Tavy came out of the bathroom and pinned me with a stare.

“What?” I asked in confusion.

“You’re keeping a secret from me.”

“I am?”

My heart immediately began to run a marathon. Had she found the shaving cream and aftershave?

“There’s a second toothbrush in your bathroom. You’re having sleepovers with a guy!”

“What?” I let out a laugh, hoping it didn’t sound as fake and maniacal to her as it did to me.

“Admit it! You’re getting some!”

“I’m not getting any,” I protested. “It’s my new toothbrush. I’m throwing the old one away.”

“Really?” Tavy asked.

“Really. Sorry to disappoint you.”

“Damn, here I thought you were hooking up with Bones and getting, well, boned.”


“Looks like we’re both in a dry spell,” she said. “It’s probably better that you’re not sleeping with anyone.”

“Why is that?” I took the desserts out of the paper bag and put them in the fridge.

“Because you just broke up with someone.”

“I thought you wanted me to have sex with someone new to get over Knox.”

“The more I’ve thought about it, the more I think you’re not wired that way, and pushing you to hook up with a random stranger isn’t being a good friend.”

“Can we please move along from my non-existent love life?” I begged.

“Sure. Just promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“When you’re ready to start dating, you’ll tell me. I want to make sure he’s worthy of you.”

I smiled. “You’re a good egg, Tavy.”

“A really good egg,” she agreed. “Don’t judge me, but I’m ready to dive into the dessert.”

“Have at it. I’m too full.”

Tavy went to the fridge and pulled out her tiramisu. “So, about this interior design business you’re starting…”


“Have you thought of a name?”

“Not yet.”

“What kind of clients do you want?” She brought back the dessert with a fork and took a seat on the couch. “Like, do you want to do the kind of work you did with your firm in Las Vegas? Or do you want to do something else?”
