Page 149 of Fire & Frenzy

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“Terrifying how?”

“He was furious when he found out what I did to his car…and he was livid that I’d left him. He said he’s going to find me, Tavy…” I met her gaze.


I nodded. “He doesn’t know where I am, thank God. My life is here and I’m trying to move on.” A flicker of a smile appeared on my lips, more for show than anything else. “I don’t want to talk about it ever again. I just thought you should know.”

“Okay.” She nodded slowly. “You’re my favorite person in the world. If you ever need help disposing of a body, I hope like hell I’m your first call.”

I grinned. “You’re number one in my Favorites on my phone for a reason.”

Chapter 33

Tavy stayed far later than either of us expected. We had a deep dive about life, and what the future was going to look like. She left just shy of midnight despite the fact that she had to be up in a few hours.

I was tired and emotionally wrung out. And when I thought about calling Smoke to tell him to come over, guilt swamped me.

Though I’d been honest with Tavy about Knox’s darker nature, I’d purposefully lied to her about my love life.

What was I doing? Jeopardizing my relationship with my best friend because I was hooking up with her dad?

God, I’m a soap opera character.

I picked up my cell phone and called Smoke.

“Cupcake,” he said in greeting.

I hated the warmth curling through me at his endearment, and how much I enjoyed the raspy growl of his voice.

He’d answered on the first ring. Had he been sitting by the phone, waiting for me to call?


“Hi. Yes, sorry.”

“Tavy leave?”


“I’m leaving the clubhouse now.”

“No. Wait. Hold on.” I fell silent.

“What’s up?”

“I don’t think you should come over tonight,” I said.

“Why not?”

“I’m tired.”

Not a lie, but not the entire truth either.

“So I’ll come over and we’ll sleep.”

“That’s ridiculous. Why would you ride your motorcycle at this hour just to come over and sleep?”

“What’s this really about?”
