Page 164 of Fire & Frenzy

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“The truth,” Willa said. “That you’re totally falling for her father.”

Chapter 35

I didn’t have time to internalize Willa’s words because Sutton’s phone chimed. She looked at the screen. Her cheeks instantly flamed. “Gotta go,” she said quickly. “We’re done here, right?”

“Yeah, go on.” Mia laughed.

Sutton gathered her stuff, shoved the pad of paper and pen into her shoulder bag, and scurried out of the bakery without a backward glance.

“What was that about?” I asked in confusion.

“Viper and Sutton are trying to make a baby,” Mia said. “They’re both very committed to the cause.”

“I see,” I said with a laugh. “She ran out of here like her pants were on fire.”

“Burnin’ loins,” Willa joked. She rested a hand on her lower abdomen.

“Does everyone have baby fever?” I asked. “You’re pregnant. Brooklyn’s pregnant. Sutton’s trying to get pregnant. And Mia, Allison, Rach, and Joni all already have babies.”

“Biker baby fever,” Mia explained. “It hits different.”

“Hmm, I’ll have to take your word for it.” I didn’t even want to think about little biker babies. But of course, my brain was my brain, and I instantly wondered if Smoke wanted more kids. I doubted it. He was in his early forties. He had his life settled.

“So, the new bar, huh?” I asked Mia.

Mia nodded. “I sold my old bar. I want to do something different this go round. Something a little…what’s the word I’m looking for? Classier. Less bar brawls, for starters.”

“To be fair, our boys didn’t start most of those brawls,” Willa pointed out.

“True. Listen, I’d love to stay and keep talking, but I have a meeting with Silas’s teacher.” Mia stood up. “We all need to hang out again.”

“Why don’t we do another club barbecue?” Willa suggested.

“We could,” Mia said. “But the clubhouse land is such a mess, what with all the construction going on right now. I’ll be glad when it’s finished. Anyway. We’ll figure something out. Bye guys.”

Mia waved and then left.

“What about you?” Willa asked. “Do you have to get going?”

I shook my head. “No. Not right away. Now that I quit my job, my schedule is open.”

“You quit your job?”

“That was a bit dramatic. I didn’t quit because I hated it or anything, I quit because I’m starting my own design business.”

Willa smiled. “You are?”

“Yep. Between Joni’s kitchen remodel and the club’s apartment complex, I’d be a fool not to capitalize on the momentum.”

“You’ll need a website.”

“That I will,” I agreed.

Willa’s phone rang, and she sent me an apologetic smile before answering it. “Hey, no I haven’t forgotten. I’ll be right there. Okay, bye.”

She hung up. “Sorry. I have a standing pedicure appointment with my sister. She’s waiting for me, so I need to get going. I’m free this afternoon, though. You want to come to my house and we can sit and discuss what you’re looking for as far as branding goes?”

“I’d love that,” I said, rising from the table. “It’s clearly none of my business, but isn’t it a school day?”
