Page 179 of Fire & Frenzy

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“Leftovers,” Sutton said. “Or if you don’t want to take your leftovers, I’ll eat them.”

“I’ve never seen anyone eat as much as you,” Willa said to Sutton with a laugh. “It’s impressive.”

“I have the appetite of a baby T-rex,” she said. “Especially when the food is as good as this.”

“You guys come here often?” I asked.

“We try to come once a week,” Mia said. “Whoever makes it, makes it. It’s rare that all of us are here at one time. What with the differing schedules and everything.”

“How’s your food, Darcy?” Rach asked her friend.

“Good,” Darcy replied. She took a sip of her drink, and in a great show of pretending to eat her untouched food, she picked up her fork.

Darcy’s gaze lifted from her plate and met mine. She raised her brows as if silently daring me to say something.

I looked away from her.

“Waverly’s obsessed with you, by the way,” Willa said to me. “Hot sauce?”

Allison handed her the bottle and Willa shook it.

“Obsessed with me?” I asked with a grin. “Why?”

“You gave her some good advice, apparently,” Willa said.

“You’re not upset, are you?” I asked. “I didn’t mean to overstep, I just—”

“Not at all,” Willa assured me. “Sometimes they need to hear it from someone who isn’t their parental figure.”

“What’s going on with Waverly?” Brooklyn asked.

“She and Dylan are having a disagreement,” Willa said.

“Those two?” Sutton raised her brows. “I don’t believe it.”

“What’s the disagreement about?” Mia asked.

“Dylan might not even apply to Harvard—even though he’s a shoe-in. He doesn’t want to leave Waverly behind. Waverly thinks he’s being foolish. She says they can do long distance and then she’ll follow him when she turns eighteen,” Willa explained.

“I don’t think any of us doubt their feelings for one another,” Mia said. “But I don’t understand Dylan’s thought process. It’s Harvard. Harvard.”

“That’s Waverly’s feeling on the subject too,” Willa said. “Anyway. It’s between them. They’ll figure it out.”

“Maybe it’s not really about Waverly,” Brooklyn said. She leaned back in her chair and rested her hands on her stomach.

“What do you mean?” Willa asked, looking at her.

“Well, yes, I’m sure Dylan doesn’t want to be parted from Waverly. But he’s a smart kid. Really smart. He knows what this could do for his future. What if he’s afraid?”

“Dylan? Afraid?” Willa asked. “He’s stood up to big scary bikers without trembling. Why would Harvard scare him? What does he have to be afraid of?”

“You don’t just go to Harvard for the education,” Brooklyn said. “You got to Harvard for the connections. The families you’re going to meet. Dylan hasn’t grown up in that world.”

“What world? The world of crew and sailing?” Willa demanded.

“And dinners with four forks, galas, and winter vacations in the Swiss Alps at private chalets,” Brooklyn added. “Yeah, he doesn’t get flustered around a bunch of bikers because he’s grown up around grit. He didn’t grow up around gold.”

Willa blinked. “I never even thought about it like that.”
