Page 211 of Fire & Frenzy

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It seemed all I was doing was vacillating between tears and numbness. Maybe that was grieving.

The hospital door opened and I hastily swiped at my cheeks. Sharon stopped when she saw me trying to compose myself.

“Did Beth make you cry?”

I let out a watery laugh. “No. I’m just crying because…life.”

“She wasn’t supposed to bring you back to your room yet. I stopped off at the cafeteria to bring you these.” She held up two plastic spoons and chocolate pudding cups. “Thought you could enjoy them together.”

I started to cry again.

“Aww, sugar.” She came toward me and set the pudding cups on the swiveled wooden table.

“I’m fine,” I blubbered.

“Yeah, I know,” she said, but she gently took me into her arms and let me cry some more.

“When will the tears stop?” I asked through a sniffle.

“When there’s nothing more to cry about.”

* * *

The next morning, Sharon and my mother helped me into sweatpants and a shirt I could button up instead of having to lift my arms over my head. My dad was downstairs in the cafeteria, grabbing a quick cup of coffee before I was discharged.

“After we get you settled at the hotel, I can run to your apartment and pick up some of your clothes and toothbrush and things,” Mom said.

“No, that’s okay,” I said. “I don’t want you to have to go over there and see the mess.” I glanced at Sharon, who was tidying the bathroom and gathering up my hospital gown.

“It’s been taken care of,” Mom said. “That’s what he said.”

“Who?” I asked with a frown.

“The biker with the scar.” She pointed to her forehead. “I forgot his name.”

“Slash,” I supplied with a smile. “Hard to believe you forgot his name.”

“Well, there’s so many of them,” Mom stated.

“All handsome too,” Sharon piped in.

“Right?” Mom agreed.

“Like, if they did a hot biker of the month calendar, I’d pay good money for that.” Sharon grinned.

“Shut up and take my money,” Mom said.

I sniggered while the two of them continued talking about Smoke’s brothers. I couldn’t wait to tell the Old Ladies about this conversation.

“I’ll get you those discharge papers and be right back,” Sharon said, heading for the door.

“Sweet woman,” Mom said.

“Very.” I paused. “So, the apartment has been cleaned up and everything?”

She nodded. “Slash said that some prospects cleaned the entire apartment. What are prospects, anyway?”

I smiled. “Men who want to be fully patched in brothers, real members of the club, but they’re going through the grunt phase.”
