Page 77 of Fire & Frenzy

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My boss preferred to communicate via email or regular phone calls. A pit of anxiety formed in my belly.

I reached for my cell like it was a loaded pistol. I had a pretty good idea who was trying to contact me. The number read UNKNOWN, but the texts were from Knox.


You fucking cunt you ruined my car I’m going to find out where you are we’re not over. You’re not leaving me not ever.

Swallowing, I turned my phone off and shoved it into my bag. My gaze caught Smoke’s. His eyes were blistering with concern. I minutely shook my head even though fear clawed up my throat and settled there.

The bikers dug into their food with voracious appetites. Mine had suddenly disappeared.

“What’s wrong?” Kelp asked. “Don’t like your food?”

“Food’s fine,” I said even though I hadn’t yet touched it. I reached for a carrot stick and opened a mini plastic container of bleu cheese dressing.

“Then what’s wrong?” Raze asked.

I didn’t want to admit that Knox’s texts had me shaking. Even though I’d blocked his regular number, email, and social accounts, he still had access to me. Access in a way that was invasive. And terrifying. I never should’ve let my temper get the better of me. I should’ve just walked out on him and let it go.

It was easy to put him out of my mind when I was no longer in Las Vegas. But he was infecting my present with his persistence and his inability to accept our broken engagement. Not to mention his threatening texts…

“Can we just eat?” I asked.

Raze looked at Smoke and then back to me and shrugged. “Sure.”

The bleu cheese whet my appetite. I took my first bite of the spicy wing and my hunger roared to life.

It wasn’t until I was licking the last bone clean that I realized the table had gone eerily silent. Four pairs of eyes were watching me. Smoke’s mouth flickered with a smile.

“What?” I asked, dropping the chicken wing.

Smoke reached for a wet nap packet and opened it before handing it to me. “You got a little…” He pointed to his mouth.

I hastily put the wet nap to my face and scrubbed. “Did I get it all?”

“Yeah.” Smoke’s grin didn’t disappear. “You’re good.”

I cleaned my fingers and then bunched up the wet nap. “Anyone going to eat the rest of those fries?”

Raze pushed the basket toward me. “Have at it.”

“Did Smoke not feed you on the road trip?” Kelp demanded.

“He fed me,” I replied.

Boy, did he feed me.

Raze gestured to the bartender for the check and the guys threw in cash before I even had a chance to reach for my wallet.

“Thanks for lunch,” I said to them as I polished off the last of the fries.

“No sweat,” Kelp said.

They got out of the booth and headed to the front door. I gathered my belongings and ambled my way toward the bar.

“They tipped okay, right?” I asked the bartender.

“Forty percent,” she said with a grin. “Nice guys.”
