Page 94 of Fire & Frenzy

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“Logan!” Mia called. “Come here a second.”

My attention immediately went to the petite brunette who was holding her daughter while she stood next to a man who loomed over them.

I walked to them, my gaze bouncing from Mia to the man.

“This is my husband, Colt,” she introduced.

“Nice to meet you,” I said.

“Same.” A smile drifted across his face, softening the ruggedness of his features. “Mia was telling me you’re an interior designer?”

I nodded.

“The club just bought an apartment building,” he clarified. “The lobby needs an update. None of us know shit about design. Would you take a look? Maybe help us put together a plan?”

I shot Mia a glance.

“What?” she asked, widening her eyes.

To Colt, I said, “Sure. I’d be happy to take a look.”

“Great.” Colt smiled. “Smoke can show you the building.”

Mia kissed Colt’s cheek and then gestured with her chin at me to follow her.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Wondering if I should feed Scarlett the mashed peas or the sweet potatoes.”

“Sweet potatoes,” I said immediately. “And that’s not what I meant.”

“I’m not sure I follow.”

“Joni asking my help with her kitchen? And now your husband asking my help with the lobby of an apartment building?”

“You have the skills and the know-how. It’s nothing more than that. I swear. You’re helping us out.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

“I do say so.” She nodded. “But I am curious about something.”


“Have you ever thought about running your own design business?”

I paused. “No. Not really.”

“Maybe you should.” She shrugged. “Just a thought. Dare to dream. Reach for the stars, or whatever.”

“Dare to dream.” I snuck a quick look at Smoke. “Dare to dream.”

Chapter 24

“Oh my God,” I said to Brooklyn. “This is perfect.”

Brooklyn grinned. “Yeah? You like it?”

“It’s so freakin’ cozy. And it smells like cake batter in here.”
