Page 128 of I Thought of You

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My arms snake around his neck. “I like your idea the best.”

He scoops me up, stealing my breath. “Time to carry you over the threshold, Mrs. Scottie Sikes.”

I giggle while he hauls me into the house; my sandals fall off my feet before we reach the bedroom. His gaze snags on my ankle as he sets me on the bed.

“Is that your something blue?”

I pull my knee to my chest and unhook the anklet. “I suppose it is. Price gave it to me. It’s blue sodalite for tranquility and emotional balance. He bought a blue sodalite from the apothecary the summer we met. I told him it was a butt plug; then he told me it was a gift for his parents’ anniversary. Also, a lie.”

Koen chuckles, taking the anklet from me and inspecting it before setting it on the nightstand. “I’m glad he and Amelia made it.” He offers me his hand, pulling me to my feet. “He’s a miracle.” With gentle hands, he reaches behind me and slowly unzips my dress. “Not as miraculous as my wife.” With a grin, he ducks his head and kisses my jaw to my ear and down my neck while my dress pools at my feet, leaving me in white lace underwear and a sea of goosebumps.

“I couldn’t breathe, Scottie,” he murmurs, fingers whispering over my skin, one hand sliding into the back of my underwear. “Seeing you for the first time today, I couldn’t breathe.”

My eyes drift shut from his intoxicating touch.

“You looked at me—only me—the whole way. And I felt so scared. I thought of all the ways I could mess this up. You’re all I think about.” He kisses me slowly for a few seconds. “I just want to give you the world.”

I slowly remove his tie and work the buttons to his shirt while he pulls the hairpins from my hair. “Koen, you’ve already given me the world, and we haven’t even consummated the marriage.” Biting my bottom lip, I grin and lift my gaze to his as my fingers finish with the last three buttons.

After the last one, he shrugs off his shirt, and I unfasten his pants.

Nothing is hurried.

Time is irrelevant.

We kiss.

Our hands explore.

My breasts feel a little heavier in his hands, my nipples a little more sensitive when he teases them with his teeth and tongue. Everything justfeelsmore tonight.

A sacred intimacy.

A true belonging.

And a life that lives inside me, part of Koen inside me.

He guides me to my stomach, peppering kisses along my back, fingers curling into the lace to drag my underwear down my legs.

I glance back at him while he loses his briefs. Every muscle shifting and flexing, mesmerizing as he crawls over me.

He kisses my shoulder, and his hand slides between the bed and my stomach, lifting my pelvis and driving into me.

A soft groan vibrates his chest, and my lips part to accommodate my breaths that he’s stirring into a frenzy of need.

“You’re the most stunning creation on this earth,” he whispers in my ear, driving deep inside me. My back arches, fingers curling into the bedding.

He kisses the back of my neck while his hand on my stomach slides lower, hand on my inner thigh, thumb circling my clit.

The tension builds until I can barely keep my eyes open, and the tiny grunts we share fade into nothing because all I can hear is my own heart hammering against the mattress.

He pulls out, turns me over, and reenters me. Our fingers interlace while we kiss, chests flush and rubbing together with each desperate thrust.

My legs lock around his waist, thighs burning as I grind into the tension that’s … it’s … oh god …

Every nerve in my body pulses with blinding pleasure—one wave after another.

“I love…” he lifts onto his hands for leverage “you … so…” his face tenses, and it’s vulnerable like a beautiful pain “…fucking much.” He stills, pelvis jerking several times before he collapses on top of me.
