Page 26 of Loyalty

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Ileaned against the corridor wall as I finished the last warm roll that I’d confiscated from the kitchens. There was nothing like getting Drexian bread straight from the ovens, and even though my stomach was full, I was tempted to go back for another basket.

“Don’t push your luck,” I told myself as I started back to my quarters, even though there was no rush. Ariana would be spending another late night in the Stacks working with Fiona on a plan to rescue Sasha. I’d gotten used to her crawling into the bed with me so late at night I’d already drifted off or even when first light was starting to creep through the windows, but I would never complain that I missed her sleeping next to me. I knew how important it was for her to find her sister. I only wished I could do more to help.

Aside from being ready to pilot a rescue ship at a moment’s notice, my assistance was limited to emotional support and shared outrage. So far, we had not been able to reach the High Commander who had rescued a human from the grasp of the Kronock, but I had faith in Torq’s contacts. He was high born, after all, and they tended to stick together.

As if thinking of the Drexian had summoned him, I spotted Torq slipping from a dark corridor. I caught myself from calling out when I saw that he was holding the hand of a female and leading her behind him.

I instantly recognized the human who had been with us in the maze, the one who had been inducted into the School of Strategy, the one who was assisting Ariana in the hunt for Sasha. “What is Jess doing sneaking around after hours with Torq?”

Aside from Torq pairing up with her in the maze to fix the ships, I had not been aware that they had become friends. I had not seen them together in the academy corridors or eating in the dining hall together. As far as I had noticed, they did not purport to be friends during daylight hours. But from the way he held her hand, I suspected they were more than friends or soon would be.

I wondered if I should say something to Ariana about Torq and Jess. Since Jess was one of the human cadets, Ariana naturally took a special interest in her, and they lived in the same tower. But what if Jess wished to keep her relationship secret for a reason? Ariana and I had kept our feelings just between us, and I had relished the time when we had not been fodder for academy gossip. Then there had been more salacious gossip to eclipse us, so it did not matter. But I understood wanting to keep things private.

“I’ll keep your secret,” I said aloud, but to no one in particular since the corridor was empty again. “For now.”

But I would keep my eye on Torq. He had proven himself to be brave in the trials, but he had also shown himself to be capable of manipulation. I had forgiven the way he’d gone after Ariana, but I had not forgotten it. High-borns were used to getting what they wanted. They were not accustomed to hearing no. If I discovered that Torq was behaving badly toward Jess, he would have to answer to me.

I nodded to myself, pleased with my decision, and turned to go when a hand closed over my arm.




Volten jumped and spun around, grabbing my hand and twisting it behind my back so quickly I didn’t have time to shriek.

“What the hell?”

He was holding me close, but his grip relaxed when he heard my voice. “Ariana? What are you doing here?”

I wriggled from him. “Of course, it’s me. I was looking for you, and the kitchens are always a safe bet. Who else would be grabbing you?”

He shrugged. “It is the Drexian Academy. It is not uncommon to be jumped in dark corridors.”

I shot him a look. “Maybe when you were a cadet.”

He closed the short distance between us and took my hands in his, examining the wrist that he’d clutched. “Old habits die hard. Did I hurt you?”

I shook my head, the heat from his hands already sending tingles up my arm. “No. You know I’m not a fragile flower.”

He pulled me flush to him. “I do know that.” He backed me up until my ass hit the stone wall. “And I know that it turns you on to be somewhere that we could be caught.”

My heart pounded as he pressed his body to mine. “Are you sure that isn’t your turn-on?”

He twitched one shoulder. “Why can’t it be both?” He dipped his head and kissed my lips softly then proceeded to kiss his way down my neck.

I glanced up and down the dimly-lit corridor. It was late at night, and there would probably be no one else creeping around the lower levels after hours, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t be spotted. The thought made my pulse flutter. Damn Volten for being right about me. “Are you serious right now?”

The lieutenant continued kissing his way down my body and finally dropped to his knees. “I am very serious. You need to release some stress, fly girl.”

“Oh really, fly boy?” I laughed, the throaty sound reverberating over the stone. He was right. I’d been consumed by stress since learning that my sister Sasha was being held captive by the Kronock, but I also knew that being miserable didn’t help find her any faster.

Volten hooked his fingers on the waistband of my pants and panties and yanked them down to my knees.
