Page 49 of Loyalty

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All the euphoria I’d felt evaporated at the sound of pounding on my door. Had someone heard us? Well, had someone heard me? I’d tried not to be loud, and it had taken all my self-control not to roar when I’d come inside Jess’s mouth, but that didn’t mean my moans hadn’t carried outside the walls of my room.

Jess lay on my bed wearing a look of shock. All the sweet satisfaction and sultry smiles were gone, and now panic flitted across her pretty face. I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her to standing, putting a finger to my lips as I swung my head around. My bare bones quarters did not provide much of a place to hide. I snuck a look at the narrow window, but she vehemently shook her head.

No fucking way, she mouthed.

I didn’t blame her for that. My heart pounded as I tugged her toward the bathroom. The floor of the shower was still wet but there was no other choice.

“It might just be my friend coming to tell me something,” I whispered, my voice still husky. I didn’t think there was any reason for Kort to be popping by, but I didn’t want to scare Jess.

She nodded mutely as she squatted below the stone dividing wall that provided some hiding place even if it did only reach my waist. The pounding hadn’t stopped, so I strode quickly to the door, afraid that it was a surprise inspection that I would most surely fail, if I didn’t end up being sent home. But if it was an inspection, why hadn’t they just proceeded to come in? Rarely would a snap inspection show such patience.

I paused, looking down at the damp front of my underwear. There had been no time to do anything but yank up my boxer briefs when my cock was still soaked from Jess’s mouth. Even thinking about it made my cock twitch, but I forced myself to push those thoughts aside, as I snatched a pair of soft black pants from my dresser and yanked them on.

Once I was at least somewhat presentable, I pressed my palm to the side of the door and took a steadying breath. The door swished open, but it wasn’t an instructor ready to inspect my quarters. It was Kort and a handful of other Blades all fully dressed and in their boots.

“What the—?” I made a concerted effort not to glance back at Jess’s hiding spot as the Blades swarmed into my room.

“You’re going to have to wear more than that, brother.” Kort opened my dresser and tossed a black shirt at me.

“Why?” I asked, as another Blade thrust my boots at me.

“Tonight is the night,” Zenen said as if it should have been obvious. “We’re knocking out one of the requirements.”

This felt like the cruelest turnabout possible. “One of the graduation requirements? You know those aren’t official, right?”

Kort shook his head at me, as if that was hardly the point. “Why would that matter? Blades have always completed the requirements. Now are you coming with us?”

I pulled the shirt over my head, as my mind raced with ways I could get out of it, but in none of them did I come out looking like anything but a coward. “Which requirement?”

One of the Blades I didn’t know very well gave me a lopsided grin. “We’re scaling the forbidden tower.”

My heart plummeted to my stomach as thoughts of falling from the climbing wall rushed at me. “What about the dungeons? We haven’t done that yet, and I hear the stones are scratched from the beasts that were held there for the maze.”

Zenen gave me his usual, lopsided grin. “That’s for another night.”

I noticed for the first time that two of the Blades had rope coiled around their shoulders. There would be no escaping this. I would not get to lay Jess beneath me on the bed, spread her legs, and lick her sweet juices. I would not get to hear her breathy sighs as her body detonated, and I would not get to fill her and feel her body stretch to take me like she was made for my cock. Instead, I would be climbing up the side of a cold, slick tower and trying not to die.

Grek grek grek.

“Unless you have something better to do.” Kort swung his head around my spartan room, his gaze landing on the tablet. “Unless you’d rather study than be with your Blade brothers.”

“I would not rather be studying.” That was not a lie. I slipped my feet into my boots and leaned over to lace them up, twisting my head just enough to catch a glimpse of the bathroom. No sight of Jess, which meant she heard what was happening and was hiding. “I guess we’ll be out pretty late.”

Kort cocked his head at me. “You are worried about being out after hours?”

“No. If you don’t mind the risk, neither do I.”

Kort pounded his hand on my back. “I knew you wouldn’t want to miss this.”

I made myself smile at him, remembering that my friend had no idea what I was doing. “You know me well, brother.”

I put my hand to the panel to open the door, swiping the switch at the bottom to keep it unlocked so Jess could get out. The other Blades poked their heads into the corridor to make sure it was empty before proceeding. I let Kortneys go then I hesitated on the threshold, desperately wanting to say something so that Jess would know I was only leaving under duress and so she wouldn’t get caught in my room.
