Page 117 of Damaged Kingdom

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“I want to talk about your little friend Cash Beckstrom.”

“Don’t have any friends,” Enzo said.

“That’s right,” I said with a snap. “He’s not your friend. He’s your boss.”

“Don’t have one of those either.” Enzo’s eyes narrowed, and I tried not to grin. Men were so easy. Made men, even more so. Hit their libido or their pride, and they’d fold like a house of cards.

“We both know that’s not true, but fine. Let’s call him an acquaintance. What do you know about Cash?”

“That he’s a psychopath who’s going to chew you up and spit you out.”

“He already tried that and failed.”

“He’ll just keep coming until he gets it right.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

For a moment, he just watched me, like a tiger pacing in its cage. Then he scoffed. “You two are more alike than you know.”

What a terrifying thought.

Enzo sighed. “Look, he’s a vault. Even if I wanted to help you—which I don’t—I couldn’t. There’s nothing for me to give. No information. No plans. Nothing. Your best bet is to kill me now and move on with your life.”

“That’s certainly one option.”

The punch hit him out of nowhere, rocking him back on the hook. I fell into muscle memory, treating his body as a heavy bag to exorcise my demons. Occasionally, I stopped to let him catch his breath. When he did, I asked him questions.

Where is Cash hiding? I don’t know.

Why did he come back? To get the power he thinks he deserves.

What does he really want? To take your place.

They were answers, but unhelpful ones. I asked about the docks, Porter, Jacob, and Derek too. I asked about every little thing I could think of. Enzo gave me nothing, and the longer it went, the angrier I got.

I was seething when I stopped, letting Enzo swing. Seeing him, bleeding and broken, did nothing for me. There was no satisfaction in killing a dead man. Especially one who kept his secrets well.

“Why is Cash taking Marcosa properties?” I tried again, hoping for a different answer.

“What can I say? He’s got a thing for hospitals…and bothering you,” Enzo panted, face lined with pain.

“Is that why you tried to blow Nate and me up? Because it would bother me.” I flicked my hand toward my boyfriend.

“Of course not. The kid wasn’t supposed to be there.” Enzo scoffed, though his eyes followed my hand. When he looked at Nate, it was almost…remorseful.

Is that a conscience?

So, he was keeping tabs on Nate. I’d already known there was no way Cash wouldn’t see a new inductee to our world as an easy target, but it pissed me off, nonetheless. “Did you see him as a way in? You kill him, you wound me.”

“It’s not that deep, man. We get our orders, we follow them. End of story.” Enzo said it like he didn’t believe it, but I could tell I’d hit closer to the truth.

Cash wanted to hurt me, and he knew Nate was an easy way to do it.

I leaned in, letting Enzo feel my breath on his face. “I’ll tell you a secret. You’re not wrong. The idea of you hurting him enrages me. The fact that you already have… Well, I’m very unhappy right now.”

Enzo looked between Nate and me, as if he realized he’d finally made a mistake. It wasn’t his fault. My patience for Cash and his need for attention was spent.

He’d taken Antoni from me.
