Page 101 of Bite of Desire

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“Let me go,” I snarled, clawing at the arm holding me captive.

Ignoring me, he dragged me past the bodies scattered on the ground. Blood was pooled everywhere, and I realized every single PARA member was dead. Along with the vampire who’d attacked me.

“That worked out perfectly. Good job, Kali,” Amaros praised as if I were a child. “Now onto phase two.”

“I didn’t do anything,” I snapped.

He laughed as he lifted me into the armored vehicle. I spotted Jasper in the driver’s seat about to pull on the mask that PARA members wore. Another vampire was already sitting inside, and he averted his eyes when I looked at him. This vehicle was long and had a bench seat that lined both sides. Weapons like stakes and guns were hanging on the small wall space.

“We need to get inside Project Peace. Under the radar.” Amaros’s eyes landed on my throat where he’d cut me. “This vehicle is the perfect way to do it. But how were we going to steal one without them having time to alert anyone?”

I scowled when I realized what he meant. “You used me as bait.”

But I was glad he mentioned the city name. I’d studied maps of the area with the Clovers and knew where all the human cities were. I knew exactly where I was now. And how to get back near Project Hope.

“I did.” He met my eyes. “Though it was a surprise to hear that they know you. My son failed to mention you’re on the run from PARA. Why do they want you?”

“I saw them murdering a Shadow,” I said grudgingly, not seeing a reason to lie.

“You are just full of secrets, aren’t you?”

I was sure that question was rhetorical, but I answered anyway. “You’re the one who keeps giving them to me. Maybe you shouldn’t reveal things like Shadows and your special abilities to a human.”

He chuckled, unbothered by my response. “You’re smart, Kali. Which means you know what will happen if you spill my secrets.”

I glared at him, staying silent after his threat. My hands were shaking, and I crossed my arms to hide them as I turned away to look through the windshield, which was the only window in this vehicle. The adrenaline from everything was starting to ebb away, and in its place, the pain from my wounds began to grow. My knees were cut up, but my neck hurt more. The larger cut was still slowly bleeding, and I pressed my shirt against it.

“When we get into the city, don’t try to run off,” Amaros warned. “Not that it would do you any favors if you want to stay away from PARA.”

“What do you want in Project Peace?” I forced out.

His smile had my blood going cold. “I want to ruin it. And you’re going to help.”

Chapter 36


Viggo looked through binoculars. “The vehicle is driving through the gates now.”

“Great,” I muttered. Everything was going to plan. Jasper had already radioed us to announce that he and Amaros had gotten the armored truck. Unlike Project Hope, this city didn’t check each person as they entered. As long as it was the same vehicle coming in that left, and there were no known threats, they didn’t bother to be careful. The presence of Clovers in this city was low, and for the last year, we’d kept vampire activity in this area nearly nonexistent for this reason.

Their guard was down just like we wanted.

We were waiting at the back gate, high up in a tree. Viggo and I had already done what was required, and Pax should be joining us in a few minutes.

“They’re driving toward the armory. I give it three more minutes before they park and shit hits the fan.” He glanced at me, keeping one hand on the branch he was balancing on. “Everyone better be in place.”

“They will be,” I answered gruffly.

Viggo snapped his fingers. “You with me, Zan?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re distracted.”

“I’m fine.”

“She’s perfectly safe in your bedroom.” He sighed. “We can’t fuck this up. I need your head here.”
